Chapter 5: The acquaintance

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Beatrix's pov*

It's 6 am and my alarm rang. I was really tired. I wasn't even able to get up. I just kept laying on my bed but then I heard really loud voice screaming my name. Oh God what have I done now.

I went to check and it was just Zeke making sure I "wasn't" sleeping, how can anyone sleep when someone is screaming like this.

I was enough annoyed and exhausted this early so I just ingored him and my mother and got ready for school. It was Friday which means tomorrow i could sleep more. Or atleast i wanted to.

I still have dog to deal with early.

It was 7:10 when I reached school and it starts at 8am so I still had time. And I still wonder where Kai is..? I mean yeah it's still early but I've got the feeling something bad happened.

All my classmates came to the room, but no one was Kai.

While waiting for him some unknown number messaged me:

text message
7:36 am, Friday

"Stop waiting for him."
"He won't show up."

"What do you mean?"

'Did this bitch just left me on a read. Bruh don't bother me if you wont replay dumbass.' my inner voice has spoken.

"I'm not a bitch or a dumbass"

Wait.. did he just read my mind..?
Who are you dude..?

"It doesn't matter who this is."
"Just stop waiting him"
"he won't show up"

Omg. Fine. I'm enough annoyed anyway, can't deal with him.

But still I'm kind of axious.. What happened to Kai. Is He alright..?

I'm too afraid to ask. Even though I have got no one to ask.. Or do I..?

"What happened to Kai?"
"Is everything okay?"
"stop leaving me on read, answer me"

Now he isn't even leaving me on seen. What a bastard. And with this though..

"He is nowhere anymore."
"Now pay attention to the teacher."

While being busy with the unknown number the teacher actually has showed up, but how did he know?

There are 2 options:

he is my classmate.
he is a creepy stalker.

they both will be pretty odd.

The lesson was about the Shakespeare's hystory. It was pretty boring. I hate hystory about anyone.

But the unknown person is keeping me alive.

text message
8:20, Friday

"If you really want to know who I am.."
"go to Long beath Alley, at 4 pm"
"If you are not there untill 4:10pm.."
"count your dog's life dead"

'No, no ,no just not Lean.. I'm going. i don't care, I would do anything for my doggy' my inner voice spoke making my eyes teary. No one is supposed to know I'm about to cry.

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