Third chapter: worries

Start from the beginning

Russia had been feeling distinctly satisfied when his shift had terminated, which not only went well, but had also transformed into an occasion to bond with Canada, who took advantage of every excuse to go to the kitchen just so he could exchange a word or two with Russia and see how he was doing. 

He wouldn't have much to do until the afternoon, therefore he had decided to follow France's advice of the day before and head to Central Park.  

The park had opened earlier in the morning, but since it still was barely past 8 a.m. on a weekday, not many people were to be seen. However, the zoo opens at 10 a.m., so to go there and meet Australia he would have to wait for some time. It wasn't a problem, of course, Russia quite enjoyed going for walks. He had to admit, in certain instances he got small flashbacks to when he used to stroll around the numerous gardens in Petersburg. 

The colors of orange, maroon and brown predominated the scene, most leaves where already on the ground, creating a crunchy carpet that added some sound to the atmosphere. Relaxing is a word that would come to mind in order to describe all this. The cold wind delicately blowing and brushing against Russia's skin messing up his front hair would make anyone shiver, well not Russia. The boy was used to much lower temperatures. You could say autumn was already coming to an end, and pretty soon winder would knock at the door. It was Russia's favorite season, he liked the snow and the peace that white veil brought along. 

Many memories, dialogues, worries and such were passing through the Russian's mind. On he outside he did look pensive, but one couldn't possibly point out any of the emotions he was feeling at that moment. He continued walking, looking around, till he eventually reached the entrance to the Central Park Zoo. It would open in 10 minutes, but there were already some people in line waiting, he joined them. 

He decided to just follow the map, his objective was actually to find Australia, and with some luck he didn't have to explore for too long. The cheerful man was talking to some of his colleagues while they were working on feeding some animals. When he noticed the Russian, he hurriedly excused himself and approached him with a blinding smile. 

'Hey Russia! Didn't expect you would come here!' He started.

Russia was taken aback by his loud voice and attitude, he internally slapped himself for standing there without answering. 'Hi, Australia. I didn't know what else to do so I decided to-'

He was interrupted, 'Yeah yeah it's reasonable, after all it is a pretty touristy choice to visit Central Park! I'm glad you're here, I didn't get to chat to you enough yesterday.' 

Australia pulled Russia along with him to a less crowded spot, as they were standing in the middle of the pathway before. He leaned on a fence, and started rambling about his morning and stuff. '...also you won't believe this! Just after you left the house yesterday America showed up! I genuinely hadn't seen him for something like a week! Ugh if you just stayed for a little longer you would have met him. Such a shame. Anyways, there he was walking past us not even saying ''hello,'' well then he barely spared a glance, and I thought he was not going to say anything, but then he asked ''I suppose everything went smoothly,'' mother nodded and *poof* he was gone to his room.' 

Russia was absentmindedly listening before, but as soon as America was mentioned, Australia had his full attention. 

'I honestly haven't seen him this morning, I think he left the house to go to work way earlier than everyone else. I don't understand why he works so much, plus he is loaded, but he doesn't even talk to us much about it. I just don't get him.' The Australian continued. 

'Please, if you see him, relate to him my gratitude for the help.' The words slipped out of Russia's mind, regretting them almost instantly after hearing the response. 

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