Third chapter: worries

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A teardrop made its way down Russia's face as he was experiencing both guilt and joy at the same time. It was a mix of feelings completely new to him. He had no idea of how he should show appreciation to England and France for all the kindness that was given to him the day before. He did not know the proper way to thank them, nor did he know what to say. After some thought he ultimately decided to show gratitude by actions, he would do his best at work. And surely he would do everything in order to pay back his debt. 

This guilt he felt was justified. Someone payed for his flat, all the furniture in it, and had even thought of buying some food. That person would also take care of rent and bills, at least until Russia would be of age, with a full-time and well-paying job. Not only this, but the boy had never been used to be treated this nicely. And when someone has grown up without ever been faced with concern and tenderness, never have received a gentle look, a smile... well it eventually creates a huge impact on a person. 

In all this, Russia was sitting on his bed. It was pretty early in the morning and he now remembered that he had to move if he wanted to be present for his first shift on time. But fortunately he had never needed much time to get ready, so he managed to leave on time and still arrive on schedule at the patisserie. 

Russia hadn't been able to pack up many clothes, this was due to limited time and space in his luggage. As a consequence he was planning to go shopping so that he wouldn't have to wear the same stuff everyday. There was a problem though: he had no idea of where to go. Yes, he could use google, but internet couldn't really give him guidance of which stores had good and cheap stuff and which were to avoid. There was another issue: he didn't have much money either. His plan was to postpone this task for as much as was possible, and in the meantime he would judge which of the English siblings would be the best one to help him in this. 

When entering the pastry shop he was saluted with a slight yet cheerful smile coming from Canada. He had been probably waiting for his arrival. Russia decided to speak first, as he had prepared what he would say during his way here. 

'Good morning, Canada,' yes, just that, but on his defense he did say it with a jolly tone of voice and a little smile. 

'Mornin' Russia, slept well?' The other reciprocated.

'Yes, thanks for asking. I hope you had a good night too.' Russia wanted to bury himself one hundred meters in the ground, what if he said something wrong? 

'Tell me, have you had breakfast yet?' Canada smirked as if he had something in mind, while hoping the other's answer would be negative. And it was so. 

Contently, Canada invited Russia in the kitchen, it was flooded by an appetizing scent. The pastries had just been tool out of the oven, and France was engaged in bringing trays over trays to the bakery display counter. Russia's mouth was watering, the sweets looked and smelt deliciously, and he suddenly felt hungry. In his luck, the Canadian's plan was to make him taste what he had cooked earlier. 

The boy glanced at the other, Canada grinned even more and proudly declared: 'I've been practicing to be a chef for many years, I'd be greatly glad if you agreed to try one of my creations!'

Russia simply nodded, but in a way that the other would have been able to notice the excitement in his gesture. And indeed the pastries were extraordinary. As he was eating Russia instinctively closed his eyes, it was that good. Canada too was delighted his new coworker was enjoying his work. It was a very nice moment, for the both of them. Perhaps for the hockey player more than for the other. 

Canada was the kind of individual one often forgets about. He's kind and acts passively with everyone, he's quiet and always stayed apart from the group. Meeting someone most similar to him had really improved his mood. 

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