34- The Boggart

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As the first two weeks flew by, the temperature outside seemed to decrease.

The Whomping Willow had disregarded its leaves and instead let them lay on the floor like a blanket of vibrance amidst the brown mud of the ground.

Their first Divination lesson was spent gushing over tea leaves, and whilst the Gryffindor twins Parvati and Padma Patil seemed most intrigued in the subject, Cassie for once agreed with Granger, who rolled her eyes every time the whimsical woman declared another prediction.

"This subject is so pointless," Cassie muttered to Draco.

But when Professor Trelawny declared Potter's death was incoming, Draco tilted his head and laughed to her, "I'm gonna have to disagree Cas!"


Later that day, once Potter had been reassured by Professor McGonagall that he was safely alive- much to Draco's dismay- they found themselves walking down to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid was waiting for them all outside his hut and called, "C'mon, now, get a move on!" as the class approached. "Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!"

"I'll bet," Blaise muttered as they gathered around a kind of paddock on the edge of the forbidden forest.

After finding out how to open to their care of magical creatures books, to which Draco sneered, "oh how silly we've all been! We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"

Pansy whacked him with her book. "Don't be a bully, dickhead!"

"Oh it's tremendously funny!" Draco continued, and Cassie looked around to realise that the whole class had stopped to listen, including a group of three Gryffindors, whom one just so happened to be Hermione Granger. She did not look impressed.

"Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!"

Whist Cassie did secretly agree, she was glad when Mattheo muttered to him, "You're not really impressing anyone here mate,"

Cassie covered a laugh with this, and Mattheo looked up at her and smirked, his dark hair falling onto his forehead.

When Hagrid had disappeared to go and find the creatures they were learning about, Mattheo stood next to her, leaning against the large rock she was sat on and whispered, "Have you noticed as well that whenever we're in company of a certain Gryffindor Draco likes to go all cocky arsehole?"

Cassie giggled, smiling. "It's so ironic! Can you imagine how much he'd be ashamed if one of us had a crush on a little muggle born? Let alone Granger?"

They shared a smile, Mattheo's eyes twinkling in amusement. He whispered, "Oh look. Here he goes again!"

Cassie jumped down from the rock and they both looked towards where Draco was saying very loudly, "God this place has going to the dogs. That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when I tell him-"

Cassie scoffed to Mattheo. "That's such a lie. His father couldn't give a flying fuck -"

He grabbed her arm to stop her and muttered, "I sense some shit going down," gesturing to Potter who was now speaking. Mattheo led her to their friends who were standing next to Draco.

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