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As the train pulled into the village of Hogsmeade, Pansy leapt up out her seat.

"I'm off you lot. We've got to be there twenty minutes before everyone else," she explained.

"Also," she cleared her throat and her gaze changed to one with warning. "If anyone of you stupid fools- I swear to Merlin- if any of you fuckers embarrass me whilst I'm up there, I mean it when I say I'm never talking to you again."

Everyone laughed.

"Guess that means you'll have no friends left then, hey Pans?" Blaise said smiling.

"Ha ha! That was a good one!" Pansy mocked, and hurried out of the compartment.

"Where's she off to?" Mattheo asked, turning and looking out into the corridor.

"Choir. They're performing in front of the school at the sorting ceremony," Cassie explained.

They all stood up and put on their cloaks.

"Make sure no one leaves anything behind! Im looking at you Laurie." Draco said anxiously.

"Yes mother," Laurie rolled his eyes.

They all piled out into the busy corridor, eventually managing to exit off the train.

Once they were safely off, Cassie took in a deep breath, the smell of the frosty air and Hogsmeade trees greeting her.

As they began to walk towards the carriages, she threw her arms around Blaise and Dracos' shoulders and whispered, "We're home again boys!"

They laughed at her and Blaise ruffled her hair. "Hope the new lot of first years are good. Last year really disappointed."

"Yeah that Edward Harper kid really needs to toughen up," Draco agreed, joining in the conversation.

Laurie frowned. "Hey! Edward's really nice. He said I could join the gobstones club whenever I wanted."

Blaise let out a sniffer.

"Good for you Laurie," Mattheo said.

As they waited in the line for the carriages, Cassie shuffled over to him until she was at the back of the line.

There was silence for a few long seconds, as they just stood there, whilst the red fog the students chatted away.

"Are you okay now?" Cassie eventually asked.

He looked up at her. "Fine. I only fainted."

"Well... you did fall to the floor," she admitted.

"I didn't hit my head if that's what you're wondering,"

Cassie smiled. After a few more seconds, Mattheo spoke again.

"Look, about what I said at the end of last year-" he stopped himself and sighed. "I didn't see what you meant. I didn't understand. It's just, to me, my whole life I've been told about what a bad person he is, and how he's the face of evil,"

"I'm not justifying his actions Mattheo. No one should ever become that cruel. I'm just saying... I don't believe monsters are just created. I think they're shaped into who they are by their experiences." She concluded.

He stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes searching her. "The carriage is here now, let's get on."

As they began to climb into the carriage, the sky let out a rumble and all of a sudden rain started to pour down.

"What's the point of having a carriage if it doesn't have a roof over it?" Blaise grumbled.

"Why does it always rain the day we go back?" Mattheo shivered, his hair dark hair beginning to stick to his forehead.

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