13- Lockheart

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They sat down at the Slytherin table after arriving in the great hall. Theo and Mattheo had taken Laurie to the medical wing, so there were two empty spots at the table.

Draco scanned the hall anxiously. "Where's Potter?" He asked.

Cassie frowned, conceringly. "How are we supposed to know? Or care."

"Why do you care so much? Does little Weasley have some competition?" Pansy teased.

Cassie and Draco had told them all what had happened at Flourish and Blotts on the train, to which everyone scowled and Theo said; "Surprise, surprise, little Potter is the hero yet again."

Draco gave her a dirty look.

"Hush you two! The first years have arrived!" Cassie gleamed excitedly.

"Why are you so happy? It's just the sorting," Blaise asked her, unbothered.

"Because you idiot," she began, rolling her eyes, "it's the first sorting that we're not in! We're not the youngest any more, meaning there'll be new Slytherins. I want to see who they are."

"A new addition to the family," Draco agreed.

"A family," Cassie pondered.

Professor McGonagall- the head of Gryffindor house- led the small crowd of first years up to the front of the hall, where the sorting hat lay on a stool.

One by one the first years were called up by Professor McGonagall. A girl with silky golden hair was the first to be sorted into Slytherin, and Cassie and her friends broke into applause as the rest of the hall fell silent.

Next, came a pair of twins called Elias and Elise, with a chubby boy following.

"I think that's Greg's little brother," Draco shouted though the applause.

Then came two boys and two girls, who both sat down at the end of the table. If anything, their nerves seemed to be worse, due to the horrible looks from the rest of the school they were already receiving.

Cassie scowled. Really, two minutes into the school year and the school was already holding grudges?

"Weasley, Ginevra." The sound of Professor McGonnagall's voice snatched Cassie's attention. She watched as the small red head walked up onto the stage and put on the hat.

Within about twenty seconds, the hat shouted out, "Gryffindor!"

Cassie sighed as everyone began to clap. Whoops from the Weasley twins were heard above the noise and Percy Weasley was nodding at his sister proudly.

"What a waste." she muttered to Pansy. "She would've made a spectacular Slytherin. Could've been something."

Pansy scoffed at her. "Don't let Draco hear you say that!"

The last boy to be sorted was called Francois Wilson- who joined them all at the Slytherin table, relief washed on his face.

After Professor Dumbledore had finished his speech, they all dug into the glorious feast that awaited them. Theo and Mattheo had arrived half way though it, and explained to them all that Laurie was in Madam Pomfrey's good hands.

A seventh year Cassie didn't know was trying to get her attention. She ignored him though. Even though they were only second years, the whole of Slytherin still bowed down to her.

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