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Cassie grinned gleefully and reached for her wand in her pocket. She met Granger in the middle of the platform, and Hermione shuffled nervously.

"Alright there, Granger?"

She seethed. "Never better."

Cassie's smile turned into a condescending smirk. "Don't make me laugh. You wont be after I'm through with you."

Without another word, they proceeded with the dueling stance before turning and walking a couple of steps. Cassie could hear a few of the Slytherins cheering her on.

In one swift movement, Cassie turned to face Granger, a snake like smile playing at her lips, and before anyone knew it, her wand was in Cassie's hand and Granger had been thrown back.

The corner of Snape's mouth rose slightly as he spat, "Get up Granger. That wasn't a very powerful spell."

Draco and the others were smirking and laughing at Hermione from where they were standing, and watched as Potter and Weasley ran onto the platform to help her up.

"Why don't we have Potter and Weasley up next then as they are already here?" Lockhart suggested, a little crestfallen.

"I would suggest not. Weasley's wand is currently incapable of performing correctly. Mr Malfoy can take his place instead."

Cassie smiled and clapped Draco up onto the stage, as she herself stepped back into the crowd with her friends.

"You destroyed Granger!" Theo whispered gleefully.

"Did you see her face?" Pansy giggled.

They turned their attention back to Draco and Potter who were both stood glaring at each other.

Cassie wondered if they were going to obey the 'only disarm' rule, and her suspicions were confirmed. They both shot a spell at each other and fell back.

Draco jumped up, raised his wand quickly and bellowed, "Serpensortia!" The end of his wand exploded. They watched, aghast, as a long black snake shot out of it, fell heavily onto the floor between Potter and himself and raised itself, ready to strike.

And she felt it. Cassie could heard it, understand it's fear. But before she could step in, she stopped as Potter moved towards it.

Cassie wasn't even sure he was aware of what he was doing. The snake, startled, was now searched hurriedly around the crowd for her. Once he saw her, he began to slither towards her. But Justin Finch Fletchley was in-front.

Potter shouted stupidly at the snake, "Leave him!" Thinking that the snake was going to pounce. It dropped to the ground obediently, and for the first time looked up Harry.

Cassie could sense the danger they were entering. She could feel the hatred and fear echoing in the hall and suddenly she felt the snake in danger. She commanded her friend to come to her, as she herself began to edge forward.

When Potter realised that the snake was not under his control, he exclaimed again in Parseltongue, but the snake did not turn back. She didn't think Potter even knew he was talking in a different language.

"Stay!" She commanded it, and found that all the attention in the room was drawn to her. She still felt protective over the snake and any one who tried to harm it she would take down. But she was now at the front of the crowd, and a scene was something she didn't want. She caught Snape's eye and nodded, reluctantly giving permission.

Snape stepped forward, waved his wand and the snake vanished in a small puff of black smoke. He, too, was looking at Potter in an unexpected way: it was a shrewd and calculating look, and Potter obviously didn't like it.

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