Popularity | Mikey 🌻

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Ever since the turtles saved New York form the Kraang, everyone knew about their existence. Not only were they aware, but the city basically welcomed them with open arms. After Mikey's sudden increase in popularity, you start to wonder if Mikey might find someone he loves more than you. 



2nd person POV

Mikey and his brothers have saved New  York just a couple of weeks ago, and Mikey couldn't have been happier. Bit only could he and his brothers go out in public with out disguises, but they were practically celebrities.

He and his brothers had been on news, talk shows, magazines, and a million other things for saving New York. They also got part time jobs working with the police department, which Raph is over the moon about it. 

Now, even other yokai are going back to the surface, due to everyone embracing the turtles, and excepting them as part of the community. 

Everyone, including you, Splinter, April, and Casey had all received the proper medical treatment after the battle, and the doctors all were very interested in how the turtles and Splinters bodies worked,and how to take care of them with out hurting them. 

Overall the world had changed completely for the better, and Mikey was completely over the moon. He was so happy they he could walk amongst humans and not hide. 


After Mikey's hands had healed almost completely, he was allowed to do things like normal, so the two of you thought that it would be fine to go and have lunch together, in a real restaurant. Not only that, but a fancy restaurant. Mikey had always wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, especially with his favorite person in the whole world, you. 

The two of you had sat down and ordered your food. The waiter was so ecstatic due to the fact that he got to serve one of the worlds greatest heros. 

"How are your hands, baby?" You said, stretching your hand over the table and holding his hand in yours, rubbing the back of it with your thumb. 

"Pretty good. The people at the hospital were really nice. They said they would like to know more about me and my brothers bodies and all that stuff, but they said that they wouldn't do anything without our consent." He said, happily. 

"What about you, honeybee? You got pretty beat up after the fight too." He said, wanting to make sure that you were still alright. 

"I'm fine, Mike. I didn't get anywhere near as hurt as you." You said. 

"I'm happy you didn't get to terribly hurt." He said, smiling at you, and you smiled back. 

Just then, you heard a bunch of whispering. You looked around and everyone was staring at the two of you. They couldn't even believe it was one of turtles. Mikey began to look around too, noticing all the people staring. 

"How long has everyone been starting at us?" He asked, a little creeped out. 

"No idea. Let's just ignore them." You said, looking back at him, trying your best to forget that everyone was staring at the two of you. You noticed some people get up, out of the corner of your eye. Then they started to head over to you and Mikey's table. 

"Ohmigosh! Can we get an autograph?! It's just we can't believe it's really you!" They said, holding out notepads and pens. Mikey smiled, and took the notepads. 

"Who should I make this one out to?" He said, acting like a complete celebrity. You thought it was a little funny. 

"Brittany." One of them said, excitedly. Then he signed the piece of paper. He asked the other girls what there names were and wrote his signature of them. Then they walked off. You heard them whispering as they walked off, back to their table. 

"He's so cute right?" You heard one of them say. 

"Oh yeah, I mean not to mention his is also built as heck." One of the others said. You were trying to listen to the rest of the conversation, but the waiter gave the two of you your food, and you couldn't hear the group of girls from their table. 

"Geez, that was cool. I got to pretend that I was like a celebrity or something. To be honest I've always wanted to sign a autograph like a famous person." He said, happily. Then he dug into his food. 

"I'm glad your happy." You said, guessing that he didn't hear what they said. "You know you are technically a celebrity Mikey. Your a hero." You said, starting to eat your food. 

You tried not to think about it, but all you could think about was what those girls said. Then you started to wonder if other people thought that way, and then you got a little scared. 

Of course you never doubted that Mikey loved you, but that's probably because he's only met like two other people. What if now that he he's around other people, he finds someone he loves more. 


You started to head back home after lunch. Of course you both stopped many, many times for autographs and pictures, but the entire time you were thinking about Mikey possibly leaving you. And Mikey noticed. 

Once you got home you both headed to his room, to go cuddle. The two of you lied down in his hammock, and hugged each other. He figure that now that the two of you were alone, now would be a good time to bring up why you were so upset. 

"Is everything okay, Honeybee? Ever since lunch you've been upset." He said, a little worried. 

"Oh it's nothing Mike." You said. You didn't want to tell him because you thought that he might think your being a little jealous and selfish. 

"Love, please tell me what's wrong. I just want to make you feel better." He said, Taking your chin in his hand, and making you face him. 

"Well it's just, Im really proud of you for saving New York and stuff, and you deserve to be treated like a celebrity, but I'm just a little scared that-tha" You said, as tears started to stream down your cheeks. 

"Oh, love it's okay." He said, wiping the tears off of your face. "Keep going, love." He said, letting you know that he was listening, and cared. 

"I'm just scared you'll f-find someone new. I'm scared that the only reason you love me is because you've never really met anyone else before. What if you find someone else?" You said, through the your tears. 

"Oh, lovely. I will never leave you. You were one of the only people that ever really excepted me, you know? These people only except me because I saved them. You were there because you actually liked me." He said, kissing your forehead.

"I love you so much, Mikey." You said, wiping your tears. 

"I love you too, honeybee. More than the entire world."


1161 words 

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Have a great day

Ye 🌻

Rottmnt x Reader Oneshots and Headcanons! ❤️🧡💙💜💚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora