Memories 💜 x Reader with Repressed Memory

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If you don't know what repressed Memory is, to my understanding it is when someone faces something so traumatic, that it is erased from their memory entirely. (If this is wrong please tell me) 

So anyway, during the kraang war, you were scared that Donnie was going to get hurt or even killed. Thankfully he and the rest of the boys were okay, but the whole thing was very traumatic. Then after the kraang war, whenever they are talking about it, Donnie starts to realized that you don't even remember it. 

WARNINGS: Angst, memory loss


3rd person POV

"Darling, I promise I'll be fine."

"You promise?"

"Promise." Donnie said, as tears streamed down your face. Then he kissed your forehead and wiped away your tears. You continued to sniffle and cry as you hugged him, as if it was the last time. 

"I bet you that this time tomorrow we'll be cuddling and watching a movie together in bed, okay?" Donnie said, calmly. You just nodded, with more tears rolling down the sides of your face. 

Donnie kissed your forehead one last time and went with Mikey and Leo. You mouthed the word 'bye' as he walked away. You went with April, Splinter, and Casey, but you could stop thinking about Donnie.

"Would Donnie be okay? Does he have all the stuff he needs to deal with an injury? Why wouldn't he let you go with him? Was that the last time I'd see him again?" You thought.

So many thoughts were running through your head. So many possibilities. You started to cry again, but much harder this time. You were so caught up in all of your feelings, you didn't even realize you stopped running. April, Splinter, and Casey all stopped in there tracks, once they realized you stopped.

"Hey it's going to be okay, Y/n. Donnie's going to be okay. Everyone is going to be okay." April said trying to comfort you, but it didn't work.

"Does this all look okay?!" You said pointing to everything that was going on around you. Then you completely collapsed onto the concrete floor. 


You woke up in Donnie's bed. You realized he wasn't there, as you stretched and yawned. You carefully got out of bed to go find him. Stumbled out of the room and into the living room. 

You realized he wasn't there and headed over to the kitchen. You walked in the entrance to see them all standing around having breakfast. Everyone was having pizza and breakfast burritos, while Donnie was having his flavorless juice, like always.

"Good morning darling." Donnie said as he kissed your forehead. Something seemed familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it. You looked around, Raph had a tear in his mask, and Mikey had some faint lines on his hands.

You didn't know why they were like that, nobody told you, and you didn't want to ask. Mikey's hands had been like that for a while and Raph hadn't been wearing his mask lately. 

Of course you almost never seen any of them anymore. It feels like nobody has been really talking to each other for a while, and you didn't know why. Donnie only had really talked to you over the past month or so. You asked him why, but he told you to stop asking about it. 

Donnie would also be really clingy sometimes, which you didn't mind, but it was very uncharacteristic. In fact donnie was just acting uncharacteristic is general.

He had been working on his tech nonstop for weeks. It was crazy even for Donnie. While he was working he would constantly mutter things like 'It has to be better.' He was also upgrading tech, which he usually doesn't do. He always comes up with new inventions instead. 

Raph, April, Splinter, and Leo. Had all been fairly distant too. Except for Mikey. Mikey would still talk to you and you both would draw together. When you both would draw, you realized that his drawings were more sad that usual. And not to be rude, but they weren't as good either.

It was like he was having trouble drawing or something. His lines all squiggly and shading was out of the lines. It didn't seem like him. 

So this was the most normal thing you've seen in a while. Your glad everyone was talking again. Until you realized what they were talking about. Leo was mentioning something about a kraang? And they were all talking about how cool some of the moves they did, and the whole fight they had midair.

But you didn't know what they were talking about. You didn't know half the things that were going on lately. It feels like you almost didn't even know them. It feels like they all have changed so much and you didn't know why.


I was in the lab with Donnie, as he talked about the new upgrade he was installing to his tech. I kinda zoned out after a while, but then I noticed he was talking about that kraang thing again. He was talking about how powerful they were and how his tech could barely do anything against them.

Was this like a new villain they were fighting, that I didn't know about? Is this why they all haven't been talking? I decided to go ahead and ask Donnie about, and hope he would actually answer my question.

"Hey Donnie? What is that kraang thing that you all keep talking about? Is it some new villain or something?" You asked a little nervous if he would get and at you for asking again.

"Darling, stop acting like you don't know what we're talking about. You ask the same questions like almost everyday. I understand being in denial or something like that, but this is kinda ridiculous." He said, calm, but stern. 

"But I don't know what your talking about! I really don't!" You said with tears inside your eyes. You were tired of not knowing. Everyone around you has changed and you don't know why. Donnie looked at you consurned.

"You really don't know what happens, do you?" Donnie asked, putting his hands on top of your shoulders. You nodded, still weaping. 

"You don't remember the kraang or the portal?" You shook your head. "What do you remember? Do you remember the city covered in like a pink and purple goo, of some sort." 

"Yeah I think I do." He nods. 

"What do you remember when you were there?" You thought for a moment. It was buried deep in your brain. You could barely remember anything. All you remember was New York covered in something like Donnie said, and there was lots of panic, and-

"You left me." You said. "You left me and I don't remember what I was feeling when you did, but you left." Donnie knew exactly what was going on after you said that, and he also found out what had triggered it.

"Darling, your experiencing symptoms of repressed memory. I think when I left you, I might've scared you and triggered this." He said, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"What's that." You said a little scared.

"It's when you face something so traumatic, that you completely forget it. Sometimes memories will come back to you randomly, but for the most part you won't be able to remember." He said sadly. 

He didn't think you'd be so worried about him. He didn't know he scared you so much. He hugged you tightly and you both cried together. 

"I'm sorry." 


1238 words 

Thank you for reading 

Construction criticism is always appreciated

Thank you for reading!

Have a great day! Ye! 💜

Rottmnt x Reader Oneshots and Headcanons! ❤️🧡💙💜💚Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt