"Obviously why will I not be happy?"

It is the first normal conversation we both are having where I'm not angry on her.

"What's the reason let me know"

I asked her with my emotionless expression.

"Will you answer to my questions with not being an short cir- I mean angry"

Short circuit is what she calls me if she was not the one if there some other girl I would have snapped at her but she is different.


Her eyes widened may be she didn't expected me to talk normally agreeing to whatever she says she went to sit on cauch and indicated me to sit on the single cauch, I sat right infront of her, I also don't know why I'm doing whatever she wants.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

That's the first question she asked me about Mannara I don't know what I'm feeling towards her I should be happy that Mannara is finally back but some part of me is not happy it is scared scared to loose something? Or someone? Or is it Meera, what are these Strong emotions for Meera? Why she hold strong part of me? I don't hate her I also don't love her I don't like her? But feels like I'll miss her if her leaves this place, what is she exactly to me am I only attracted towards her or is it something more?
What kind of feelings I have towards her at this point instead of being happy that Mannara is here I can finally get bac to her but it feels something I don't want to.

"Hello where were you lost?"

She waved her hands in air.

"I'm EX girlfriend"

I can see she have confused feelings.

"Are you planning to get back with her?"

Am I? Am I planning to get back with her?

"Are you falling for me Mrs Vidyuth Rathore"

I asked her kinda teased her.

"If you get back to her I'll get back to my life simple"

She said and stormed towards washroom, the way she went inside washroom showing her attitude, is just my god, this girl will make me crazy.

I left my room since I needed to complete an important file I went inside my office room I saw Rohan waiting for me.

"I think Ghunjan anty is involved with Rohit Roy"

He said I entered inside.

"Keep this aside Rohan I'll get back to her it's not the time"

I have been forgiving her every things once I gather all proof against her I'll show them to Ritvik kaka.

"Mannara is here"

I can see concern in his face,

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

He asked me same things.

"Even if I have feelings for her Rohan I'm married I'll not cheat on Meera"

Mannara is really important to me very important I can't even express in my words.

"Are you planning to divorce Meera to get back to her"

He asked me I know he knows what I'm thinking now what I'm feeling now but I'm scared I don't want him to know I said nothing to him.

"Yeah divorce she will go back you can get back with the girl you always admire the girl you alway love"

Feels like Rohan is really testing me.

"Should I get lawyer with prepared divorce papers?"

Why he is testing my patience now I still didn't understand why he have to read me like a book no one are capable enough to know what want and here he knows everything before me telling him.

"Meera will be so damn happy  I'm sure of it"

I ignored what he is saying.

"What happened in meeting?"

I asked him a smirk farmed on his face.

"Mr oberoi wants to have dinner in success of deal at his place has invited you with you dear WIFE"

Mr oberoi is recently soo much influenced man once I got contract with hi. He offered to collab with him regarding new designs of diamond execceries.

"Will you invite her"

Rohan asked me.

"I don't think she will accept my invitation"

I said staring at the wall,

"Why she will not accept your invitation"

He asked me I return

"Cause she is desperate to get away from me"

Rohan again smirked and asked me,



He tricked me? He will not leave me untill I accept things.

"You are talking about Meera I see"

I love it when he is the one to read me like a book but sometimes I hate it.




Double update

Have an nice day

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