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Two weeks and one day later...

The days following Chris' visit were unnervingly full and uncomfortable at work. There were rumors that the company was being bought out and that there were going to be lay-offs and personnel changes. I wasn't quite sure where I sat in the hiring/firing lineup, so of course my nerves were balled up in the back of my mind. Nothing official had been announced though.

Until just now. Everyone seemed to have received the company memo from HR at the same time because my phone and messaging system were starting to blow up. I rushed to open it, fearing the worst.

Purchased by... We'd been bought out. There were to be evaluations conducted by the change in leadership and there were three possible results upon completion: lay-offs, transfers, or retention. They would be contacting each department head soon to schedule the appointments for reviews via video call.

My heart was pounding in my chest. What could this mean? Would I be safe because of my track record with this company? Would the new executives want to keep me at all? There was always the chance that I could be redundant and let go for the sake of them keeping another employee with more experience.

I grabbed my cell phone and shot off a text to Chris, telling him that my company had been bought out and I didn't know if I was going to be kept on or not. And for him to send me good vibes, energy, thoughts, prayers, whatever he felt necessary. When I set my phone back down, I noticed a second email come through from the HR department, but my name was in the subject line. I opened it hesitantly.

"Dear Miss," I began to read aloud, "we would like to discuss the attached proposal with you at your review scheduled for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow." My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "Proposal?" I noticed the PDF attachment in the email and opened it up. Within seconds, my hand flew up to my mouth in a gasp.

My phone dinged and I reached for it to find a reply from Chris: On it. 😘

I opened my phone and typed THANK YOU! so quickly. Eval meeting 10 am tomorrow. 😬 Then I set my phone back down to read the proposal over again to make sure I hadn't misread it in the first place.

"Opening permanent office location in Seoul, South Korea. Lateral transfer position, executive administrative position with management promotion track available. Re-location and housing assistance available."

My eyes welled up with tears. Was this real? Could I really have the chance to go back... and be close to Chris again?

My text tone sounded again, and it was Chris: You're going to be fine. I believe in you.

I clutched my phone to my chest, the case pressing my ring on the necklace chain into my skin over my sternum. "I'll see you soon, hopefully." I closed my eye and said softly to myself.

One month later...

Staying quiet was the hardest thing I'd ever done in my life. I'd told Chris that the company kept me on, but I didn't tell him about the move and the opening of the permanent office in Seoul. This was pure fate or destiny or luck or whatever you want to call it. Never would I have dreamed that I'd be back here. The new company had been impressed with my quality of work while I had been in Seoul on contract previously and presented me with the offer of returning to be a part of launching the new office. Of course, I accepted the offer and even negotiated a pay raise. They were wonderful in locating options for me to purchase or rent, and they paid for the packing and shipping services. I arrived yesterday and my apartment was already set up with the furniture I had purchased with my boxes of packed items in their respective rooms, waiting to be unpacked when I was ready. I was so excited and jet-lagged at the same time that I got through 2 boxes for my bathroom and bedroom items and then crashed on the new bed. I slept for several hours, then woke up to finish unpacking majority of the boxes before going to back to sleep at a proper hour for me to get used to the time zone again.

I sat at my table, eating leftover delivery food for breakfast and brainstorming on how to surprise Chris. I'd been so focused on the move that I hadn't thought through how to either get him to my apartment or workplace, or to get me to him. Maybe I could ask one of the guys to help me. I decided to check my contacts to see if I had any of their numbers saved. Luckily, I had Seungmin's and Felix's numbers saved.

I opened up a new message to Seungmin first: Hey, this is Y/N and I'm trying to get a surprise to Chris. It's in Seoul and I don't know how I should go about getting it to him or him to it. Help me, Minnie?

I chewed on the edge of my thumbnail and stared at my phone screen, unable to look away. Surprisingly, it only took a few minutes before he answered me. His response made a lightbulb go off in my head.

How big is it? Is it something that can be delivered by a courier service? If so, send it addressed to him at this specific address.

"You smart puppy!!" I laughed out loud and copied the address down, which would send the courier to the exact floor he was working on at JYPE that day.

After thanking him, I got up from the table to get dressed and go pick up a few items for the courier to deliver. I found what I was looking for at a corner store several blocks away. Gathering those items and a few snacks from another convenience store, I went back to my apartment and sat down to write a short note.

My King,
          A surprise has arrived in Seoul for you, but you have to pick it up yourself at your earliest convenience. The address is on the tag attached to the key in this envelope. I hope you like it and it makes you happy!

          Until next time,
          Your Queen

I kissed the note, leaving a lipstick stain on the page, took the note and the spare key for my apartment, and sealed them inside a small manila envelope that was addressed how Seungmin had instructed to write it. I contacted a high-rated courier service, and they were at my door twenty-five minutes later to pick it up. Butterflies took off in flight the moment the envelope left my hand.

Then, I just had to wait.

Evening had come while I was finishing up putting my unpacked items away, and I was getting hungry. I decided to venture out and find a store where I could buy some groceries for my kitchen. I filled up my basket with the necessities and the foods I had missed having. I checked out and returned to my apartment, quickly unloading my items and beginning to cook rice and something for dinner. I was too busy prepping and cutting up the ingredients for my meal that I didn't hear the knock at the door. I nearly screamed when a voice spoke up from several feet behind my back, and I spun around on my heel to face the owner of the voice.

Chris stood there at the edge of the kitchen wall with my spare key dangling in one hand and his mouth agape in a shocked expression. "Baby??"

I set the utensils on the countertop and raised my hands out to my sides. "Surprise! I'm back!"

His eyes grew so wide. "You're lying." There was a hesitancy in his stance.

I lowered my arms back to my side and shook my head. "Nope. I've been transferred to a permanent position in the new Seoul office. I'm home."

A shout of elation erupted out of him and he dashed forward to wrap his arms around me, pick me up, and spin me around. He gently dropped me to my feet and took my face in his hands, devouring my lips with his kisses. I laughed against every one, feeling the joy in his smile and his body radiating out of him into me.

With a deep inhale, he pulled back and looked into my eyes. "We're both home."

You're All I Want [Bang Chan + FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now