Part Nine

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I had never slept better in my life. I usually tossed and turned through the night, traveling practically every angle on the bed by the time I'd wake up in the morning, but when I woke up, still wrapped in Chris' arms with his chest breathing deeply and evenly against my back and our legs intertwined, everything in me squealed with joy at how perfect the night with him had been. I laid there, soaking in his warmth and listening to his steady snoring. I had no idea how I didn't stuff a pillow in his face in the middle of the night. Even still, I was thankful for it because it meant he was still here with me.

Reaching out to the edge of the mattress, I grasped it and slowly pulled myself away from him. He inhaled deeply and shifted to his back, sleep uninterrupted, which gave me the freedom I needed to leave the bed quietly. I slipped into the bathroom first with some clothes to put on and then afterward tiptoed out of the bedroom door. Taking one last grateful glance at the man I loved sleeping comfortably in my bed, I pulled the door closed behind me.

Not too long after, I returned to the bedroom with a glass of juice and a plate of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and fruit. I set it on the nightstand by him and returned to the kitchen to get my plate and cup of coffee. I set those down on the nightstand near my side of the bed and then slowly crawled into the bed to wrap myself around his sleeping form again.

With a kiss to his cheek, I whispered, "Good morning, Christopher."

A deep breath and a groan, then a stretch, and he was soon trying to open his eyes. It took a moment for the recognition of where he was to clear his mind, and then he was looking down at me with those calm, sleepy eyes. The corner of his mouth tilted up in a half-smile, and he reached his arms around to squeeze me to him with a happy hum.

"Good morning." He turned on his side toward me and kissed my forehead. He felt my eyebrows rise when he pressed his hips and morning wood into me. "Did you sleep well?"

I sighed contentedly, reaching up to finger comb his wild morning hair down. "Yes, very well. Did you?"

"Oh yes. Waking up to you has made it even better." He kissed my forehead again and then sniffed a couple times. "Wait... Do I smell food?"

"I brought you breakfast." I grinned.

"Really?" He sounded surprised and moved.

I pulled away and moved to sit up against the headboard. "Yes. I've never brought my boyfriend breakfast in bed before, so I wanted to do this for you." I pointed to the stand on the other side of him.

His whole face lit up with glee when he saw the full plate and glass of juice by him. "Baby... wow! Thank you."

His feet fluttered excitedly under the covers, making me laugh. He turned back toward me and, since he couldn't reach to kiss me, he bit my thigh playfully. "I'll be right back." Shedding the covers, he got up and shuffled into the bathroom momentarily.

I grabbed my plate and cup, resting my plate in my lap and then cradling the hot mug of coffee in my hands before taking several slow sips. I waited patiently for him to return to the bed, having slipped a pair of sweatpants on himself, and copy me with his plate in his lap. We clinked our glass and mug together and proceeded to eat our breakfast. Chris' singsongy hums and pleased noises kept making me look over at him with a smile so wide that I don't know how I kept any food in my mouth as I chewed. I giggled at his reactions to the simple breakfast that seemed to bring him so much joy.

The first forkful of fluffy pancakes slathered in butter and maple syrup caused his eyes to roll back in his head and a sighing moan to escape him. "Oh my god, Baby. That's perfection."

Delight burst in my chest. "I'm glad." I grinned. "I've always heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Chris' choking laugh surprised me. "Is that so? A detour through my stomach was unnecessary but I am grateful for it."

I took a drink of my coffee before asking, "Why unnecessary?"

Chris paused and looked at me with his soft, assured smile. "Because, you already have my heart." He shoved another forkful of pancake into his mouth. "And my stomach too." Shifting side to side, he did a tiny happy dance.

We ate in contented silence for another minute before I asked, "Since we have today, is there anything you would like to go do?"

I could see him thinking while he finished chewing a bite of bacon. "Like what?"

"Well, I know you have some freedoms at home, but are there things that you can't do comfortably even with security that maybe you could do here with me? Within an hour or so drive, you've got choices like an aquarium, zoo, museums, a shopping mall, movie theaters, a rage room, a few escape rooms, laser tag... Oh, but I have to check to see if whatever you want to do is open on a Sunday."

His eyes widened. "Did you say 'rage room'?" He waited for me to nod. "What is that?"

My heart fluttered at the instant image of Chris with a sledgehammer going ape shit crazy in a room of ceramics and furniture and old electronics. "It's a place for you to let your pent up aggression out on inanimate objects."

If possible, his eyes grew even wider, full of intrigue. "Those kinds of places exist?"

I laughed at his expression. "Yes. It's been a popular place, especially for people who would rather break something in a controlled environment than go get drunk or something else."

"That sounds amazing. I've never done something like that before, for myself." His face lit up.

I nodded firmly, "Okay! I'll see if they're open today."

I set my empty plate to the side and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. Searching for the closest rage room, I pulled up the details and grinned, showing him the screen. They would open at 3 p.m., which gave us several hours free to choose something else. I let him scroll through the photos on the business' website.

"We can go do something else before then if you want to. Or we can stay here and hang out. No pressure at all. This is your getaway and I don't want you to feel like we have to do anything to keep either of us entertained. I'm absolutely content moving this party to the living room and watching some movies or shows, or playing some games, or baking something together, or literally staying in this bed until the last second."

His eyebrow closest to me rose and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "Are you wanting me to return to Seoul absolutely exhausted?"

A wicked grin on my face accompanied the warmth spreading from my chest to the interior of my hips. "Only if you're hoarse too."

His jaw slacked, hung wide open. There was a slight choking sound coming from his throat. His unfocused, stunned look barely registered me snatching my phone back from his hand.

I giggled to myself and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek quickly. "I need more coffee." I could see him trying to shake off the thoughts I had conjured in his mind while I scooted out of my side of the bed. "Can I get you anything?"

He swallowed hard and his voice broke on the phrase, "More time?"

I sighed. "Anything from the kitchen?"

"Water. I'm suddenly very... very thirsty."

You're All I Want [Bang Chan + FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now