Part Three

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My body didn't even give my brain enough time to process before it was nodding an enthusiastic yes, but I held a finger up in front of him, asking him to wait for a moment. Swinging my legs away from him, I stood and turned back to face him, dropping my knees slowly onto the cushions on either side of his legs. When his hands rose to greet and squeeze my ass playfully as I lowered to straddle him, I brought my hands up to rest on his shoulders, my fingers playing in the hair at the nape of his neck. Once seated and looking into the eyes of the man who was my world, I could see the want for me in his bottomless brown hues.

The commanding softness of his lips consumed me the very second his mouth was on mine. I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as he angled his head in a perfect mirror to mine as if he knew how I was made as well as he knew himself. His tongue confidently moved in rhythm with mine without overwhelming me. He silently beckoned for more, and I took his bottom lip between my teeth, releasing it after some teasing pressure. The groan that rumbled from his chest up into his throat sent a line of fire from my ears down to my toes.

I slowly rocked my hips on top his, relishing in the feel of him growing between us. His hands on my backside supported the movements. I could feel the tension in his arms as he gripped and released the soft flesh under the pair of leggings that covered me. He pulled away from my mouth to journey down my jawline, brushing those covetous lips with a feather-light touch up to my ear and letting his teeth graze the soft curve of my earlobe before drawing it between them and tugging.

"Chris..." I exhaled into the air, arching into him and enjoying every inch where our bodies were pressed against each other. I knew he was wanting to take his time, and the little devil on my shoulder was screaming obscenities loud enough that I wondered if he could hear it. "I need you closer."

His breathy chuckle tickled across my neck, raising goose flesh from right below my ear to down my arm. He gripped my hips, holding me tightly against himself. "No need to rush." He laughed into a kiss he was placing on the side of my neck when I ground myself slowly over his hardness separated from me by his pants and whimpered softly.

"Does that feel good?" He asked coyly. His hands let go of my hips and traveled up under the back of my shirt, his palms leaving searing marks against my skin each inch he climbed.

I hummed a yes in response as I claimed his mouth again, picking up easily where we had left off. My body continued its rocking motion on him, and I moaned in relief when his fingers deftly unclasped my bra and stretched out to touch as much of my skin as possible at once. My growing need for him was beginning to steal my breath away with each touch, each kiss, each passing friction.

"May I see you?" He broke away and asked, his hands paused on my back.

I smiled at him and raised my hands over our heads. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it off of me. I then pulled the straps of my bra down from my arms and tossed the garment on the floor next to the couch where my shirt had landed. His eyes roamed lovingly over my bare torso, drinking in the sight of me and knowing I was all his. His hands bracing my back, he leaned forward, reclining me back, until he could place hungry kisses across the span of my chest. His lips traveled down to flirt with the landscape of my nipples, teasing the hardened response of each peak with flicks of his tongue and subtle suction.

I couldn't help but emit small gasps with each new sensation. I was absolute putty in his hands as he cherished my body inch by inch. My fingers didn't know what to do but roam through his hair, lightly tugging sections of it in my grip whenever his mouth would send a current of pleasure through my body. I was trying to stay still for him, but my body had a mind of its own as it ground slowly on his lap. I wanted everything all at once, and deep down I knew that, if I was patient, I would get it all in due time.

He moved from one side to the other, giving equal attention to each breast. His hands brought me back to sitting up straight as he took my mouth with his own again. Dropping down to my hips, he controlled my movements and met me with his own. The pressure of my sensitive core being teased against his covered length was enough to drive me mad.

I pulled away from his lips to huskily say, "Chris, I don't just need you. I want you."

His eyes lit up at my words and his dimples showed as his calm, content smile took over his face. Still looking him in the eye, I removed my hands from his hair and began to outline his face with hovering touches of my fingertips. He remained still, letting me commit every line and angle and dip and texture to my memory. He watched me adoringly, and his breathing picked up the closer I got to his lips. His tongue slowly drifted across the flesh of his bottom lip, leaving a tempting sheen of moisture that drew my attention even more.

"What do you want from me?" He smirked, knowing I was staring intently at his mouth.

You're All I Want [Bang Chan + FemReader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin