Part Four

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"You..." I drifted off in thought but answered again. "For you to be happy and at peace."

"I am, right now..." He breathed out the words as he leaned toward me, "... here with you."

The gentleness of the moment faded quickly as our kiss collided. Hearing the sound of his heavier breathing electrified me, radiating through my body with every pulse and inhale and exhale. He had one hand at the back of my head, in my hair, holding me close as we kissed. His other hand had snaked around my hip and delved into my leggings to cup and grope and squeeze the soft flesh of my ass.

"Baby?" He whispered between our lips and tongues exploring each other's. He heard my hum in response. "Can I have you?"

"I'm already yours." I answered before planting my mouth against his again. I could feel his smile against my lips. My hands roamed across his chest and down under the hem of his shirt, greedily touching the hills and valleys of his abs and upward until I coaxed his shirt up high enough to where he assisted me in removing it and tossing it on the floor to give my own shirt some company. I leaned forward, bringing our skin flush with each other, and moaned in relief at the way being pressed against him felt like returning home after being away for too long. Savoring the moment, I rested the side of my head in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his back, hugging him tightly to myself.

His hands ventured out of the back of my leggings to grip the sides of my thighs, staking his claim with every squeeze and rub. He held them securely while shifting his own hips further back in the couch cushion, creating some space between us. With a teasing touch, he took his middle finger and followed the seam of the leggings fabric from right below my belly button down, adding pressure the further down he journeyed. My hips bucked forward with a groan, chasing after the pressure that made my core throb. He exhaled loudly with his own sounds as his fingertip was met with the dampness soaking through the fabric of my clothes. Pressing hard, he dragged his finger back forward until he was at the padded flesh over my clit. My hips bucked again, and I whimpered into his neck.

"Please." The one word left my mouth as I moved against his finger.

With one hand, he pulled the waistband away from my heated skin, giving better access for his other hand to crawl inside and palm me entirely, his fingers coming to rest at the soft covering of my entrance. He sucked in air through his teeth.

"You're so wet." His voice held a tone of awe.

I pitched against his hand, sighing. "Always for you." I gasped and moaned when his fingers crossed the threshold and two digits entered me smoothly. I couldn't control the rolling of my hips on his hand. It felt wonderful. He pushed his fingers in further and curled them in the come hither motion he knew would graze that inner bundle of nerves as he pulled his fingers back out.

"Yes... yes," my voice directed him, "again."

He chuckled against my neck, his pace of breathing picking up with mine. He repeated the motion, delving deeper into me with both fingers again. His fingers curled once more and my hips ground against him. He pressed harder gradually as he continued fingering me, his focus honing in on how I felt around his fingers with every whimper and moan and hip roll. The sensation of impending glory was building stroke after stroke, and his thumb nestled itself at the peak of my groin and danced firm circles over my clit.

"That's it, Baby." His voice was husky, full of desire. He leaned forward and kissed my jawline and down the side of my neck, licking my pulse point before subtly sucking the skin.

My heart raced in double time, a desperate moan escaping my mouth as I clenched my teeth. I rode his masterful hand harder and he kept a consistent rhythm of stroking and circling until my whimpers grew shorter and more frequent and louder. And then I felt his teeth clamp down on the tender flesh at the curve of my neck. And with a loud cry of his name on my lips, I came and came, over and over again, nearly unable to take another breath at the intensity of it.

He slowed his fingers' in and out movements until I was utterly spent, panting like I'd just ran a race, and trembling in waves of shudders against him. "Fuck... Ooh..." I gasped for breath as I collapsed against his chest.

"You've soaked my hand." He pressed kisses and tongued at the smarting place where he had bit me. "My Baby... Dripping wet." His hand nimbly moved out of my pants, and he wrapped his arms around me, caressing the bare skin of my back with his other hand.

I couldn't answer. I was still trying to catch my breath. My heart pounded in my ears.

"Would you like to move to the bedroom?" He pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Yes," I nodded.

With a skillful maneuver and a show of his strength, he shifted his weight forward to the edge of the couch, held me under my thighs, and stood us both up. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as I clung to him. I breathed him in deeply while he carried me slowly from the living room to my bedroom. He set me on the edge of my bed, but I let go of him and stood up before he could lay me back.

"What are you doing?" He asked, watching me lower to my knees and crouch down at his feet.

"Pick up your foot," I said as I tapped his right foot. I saw him shift his weight and pick up the foot I had touched. Gently, I removed his sock and repeated the motion on his other foot. When I looked up at him from the ground, his eyes were glistening. I knelt back up and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them over his hips and to the floor. With a questioning look, I brought my eyes back up to his. He nodded with a thoughtful smile, petting the top of my head and down the side of my face.

Dipping my fingers into the band of his boxer briefs, I tugged them down. I watched with glee when his patient erection was freed. He stepped out of both his pants and briefs and pushed them to the side with his foot. He took my chin and lifted my head up to look at him in the face. There was a fire behind his eyes paired with the gentleness I personally knew.

"As much as I'd love your mouth right now, that's not what I want." He softly pulled on my chin until I was standing in front of him again. His hands dragged both my leggings and my underwear down together and pushed them aside, taking a moment to let his hands meander across my thighs and up over my hips then up to the curve of my breasts. He showed each one attention again with kisses and nipping and sucking. All the while, his erection kept pressing against me, making me long for it.

I arched back to give his mouth better access to my torso. "How do you want me, Chris?" I nearly hummed the question in anticipation. His hard on jumped against my hand as I wrapped my fingers around the base of his shaft and squeezed before a slow, firm stroke to his head. A strangled groan rose up out of his throat.

"On my back?" A stroke back to the base. "On my knees?" A squeeze and stroke back to the head. He had moved to kiss the soft flesh of my neck, but his movements stilled when my thumb grazed over his broad tip. "On top?"

A low growl preceded his lips crashing against mine. He swiftly picked me up from under my thighs and hoisted me onto the bed. He broke the kiss and placed a hand on my shoulder to push me to lie down. "All of them." He leaned over and I propped myself up on my elbows to meet him as he planted his hands on either side of me on the mattress and kissed me again.

"Well, come on then. Take me." I smirked. I crawled further back onto the mattress to give him room to join me. I rested my head back on the pillows as I watched the corner of his mouth lift into a wry smile.

You're All I Want [Bang Chan + FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now