Chapter 9

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It had been nearly a week of us in the bunker without so much as leaving for fresh air, something I hadn't noticed on that first night in the seemingly small home was the lack of windows. There were none, not a single ray of sunshine had touched my skin in almost a week. It had almost been as bad as when I had been locked in a tower for over eighteen years.

That first night after Ezra had apologized to me, he prepared us a wonderful delicacy, he had called it a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It was so wonderful, the grape jelly and the peanut spread mingled on my tongue and mixed to make a delightful medley of subtle and strong flavors that had quickly become my favorite thing to eat.

After I had enjoyed that life changing delicacy, Ezra walked me to the hallways that was across from the dining room, and to the left of the front door, and walked to me to the very end of the hallway.

He had declared that the room to the right was mine and had instructed me to do as follows, "Close your eyes and imagine a safe place, somewhere you can call home, a place you can sleep comfortably at night without any fears."

I had done as instructed and came up with a room almost as intricate as myself.

The door to the room had been a dull brown but once I had done as I was told, it changed to a wonderful gold. Once inside, mostly everything in the room was a shade of dark green.

The walls were a rich forest green, and the trims of the doors and walls were white. There were accents of white and gold almost in every nook you looked at. The room had a wonderful queen-sized bed in the middle of it with a white duvet over top of the mattress, the headboard of the bed was a wonderful metal gold, the golden rods entwined themselves into each other to make a shape that almost resembled a heart with beautiful rubies embedded in the rods at different points.

Off to the left of the room was a walk-in closet at the bottom corner of the room and a bathroom that was all mine to use at the top left of the room. Ezra had explained to me that I could summon anything that I 'd want to wear if I just thought of it before entering the closet and that multiple selections of things would appear for me to choose from. The mechanisms were a bit difficult to work out to begin with, but I had gotten the hang of it.

The same had accrued with the restroom. I had never had a restroom of my own, the toilets were the same as in the palace, but the shower arrangement was entirely different. I hadn't ever bathed myself; my handmaids would do that for me, they'd do everything for me. So, there was a learning curve to what products to use on what body parts, but I think I got the hang of out all on my own, it had been a feat that I was proud of.

I had been sitting on the couch after a refreshing shower, I had chosen a long sleeve lace sundress in a lovely shade of lilac that my mother would always obsess over from my magical closet, and Ezra was on his electronic device, he called a phone. He had been using the piece of metal to somehow communicate with his grandmother, Aida. She was, as Ezra said, our man on the inside. Her last update was of the kingdom recruiting help from the Fairies to scout the forest around the world to find my mother and me.

The updates before that were of my grandparents being unable find the person who took my mother and that no one had any intel on who took me, although most of the kingdom was becoming suspicious of Ezra.

I had been reading a book titled The Raw Truth of Supernatural Philosophy when I took a glance at Ezra, he had been wearing a royal blue sweatshirt that fit him well, his sleeves hadn't been rolled up when I sat down on the couch a few feet from him but when I had glanced at him then, they were rolled all the way to his elbows.

His leg was bouncing up and down as he looked at the device in his hands. He had dark crescents that had started forming under his eyes, he was yawning more consistently throughout the short number of days we had spent together so far. He had been eating enough and was falling asleep on the couch more times than I could count before getting up and heading to his bedroom, which was the first one to the left of the hallway.

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