The four of us reach the entrance, the eyes of everyone around evidently on us. Ziya places her hand on my chest, showing a small smile to security.

"You're all twenty-one and above?" he asks, looking more at James, while opening the door.

"Of course," James answers.

I don't miss the action of Talon pressing closer to his back as he stands behind him. I say nothing, stepping into the building behind Ziya. Darkness consumes us for a few short minutes, until we reach the live part of the building—white lights dimly illuminating the room. There's a bar that looks like it's set on a stage, and it has the most light in the room.

"How we doing this?" Talon asks, slinging his arm around James.

"Drink?" James suggest.

I look at Ziya, who's hand slid down, looping her fingers into my belt loops. She looks away from the bar and up at me before smirking. I knew from the moment she stepped into my car that something was on her mind, and I bet that it won't take long for those thoughts to come to life. A part of me—all of me—wants to see what she'll do, and hopes that she does something to me.

Talon's first in line at the bar, hopping a little too happily in a chair that spins from his movement. James is right behind him, sitting in the chair next to him. Ziya pulls me by my loops, leading me to the empty chairs beside our friends. The space is perfect for me, with not many people standing close. Everyone's enjoying the dance floor, even if the lot of them aren't dancing. Swaying and drinking mostly. Feeling the vibe and one another by the looks of it.

A man in a tailored suit approaches the counter, four glasses already in front of us. "What can I start y'all off with?"

"We're new," James says, "what do you suggest?"

"Depends. I'd start ya off slow, but this is Club Amnesia. We don't do slow here. How about a tongue twister?"

I don't know what the fuck a tongue twister is, but Ziya leans forward at the mention of it.

"Five shots, and start a tab. Caddel. I'm paying with card at the end of the night."

The guy's eyes slide away from James, his smirk widening at Ziya's words. We watch as he pours a clear liquid into five shot glasses. He pushes them towards us, making Ziya stand.

"Don't touch," she says, while picking up a glass, "come here, James."

James' eyes widen, but he scoots his chair closer towards Ziya.

"Legs spread."

He spreads his legs. Ziya takes a step in between them before tilting his head up. My body feels frozen as I watch the innocent, yet sinful, act of Ziya Caddel. She uses the pad of her thumb to push James' mouth open, then grips his chin. She takes the shot glass, slowly pouring the liquid into his mouth. James face is on fire as they keep eye contact. He lets her fill his mouth before swallowing, a small trail of the remedy dripping down his chin. Ziya swipes it away with her finger before sucking it.

Talon whistles, gaining my attention, "That was hot. I'd have concerning thoughts if it was someone else, but that was hot."

Ziya hums, still holding James's face. He's still blushing, looking elsewhere now that the action is done. Ziya smiles amusedly at his reaction.

"You're not done."

James look back at her, confusion, mixed with a little bit of excitement, embedded in his eyes. Ziya pushes him back a little with her leg.

"This stage is perfect for fun, hm? I think so."

Finally, she turns to me with expecting eyebrows raised. I raise them back, leaning comfortably on the countertop. I was entranced by her in a way I can't handle, and I crave everything that is Ziya Caddel. I waited for her instruction, knowing I'd do whatever she pleased.

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