8- Forigve My Sins (Caleb x Zonlryx)

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I definitely don't know anything about Catholicism but I have a bunch of rosaries which gave me the idea for this <3 if you're uncomfortable reading about a priest having sex then feel free to skip :)

Caleb sat in the front pew, listening to one of the other priests give the sermon. As usual, the church was near empty this early on a Sunday. He was one of the few people who actually bothered to sit through the service every Sunday. A few of the nuns sat beside him, posture stiff and perfect.

He struggled to keep himself from slouching. He'd been having many restless nights, plagued by sinful dreams of a certain demon who insisted on sullying the holy grounds of the church with its presence. The thing even looked evil, with his black skin and horns and pointed ears. It was positively infuriating that his body had to be so well sculpted.

The devil temping feeble human minds, he reminded himself.

He shook his head to get the image of that demons body out. He needed to focus on the sermon, then he could go rest. The other priests and the nuns had noticed his apparent decline in health lately and lessened his responsibilities. He was thankful for their concern, but he wished he could work more to get that thing out of his head.

By the time the sermon was over, Caleb was ready to go back to his room and sleep. He was walking toward the door when one of the nuns stopped him. "Father Caddel."

He turned and smiled tightly. "Sister. What can I do for you?"

"Father Ray is unable to do confessional today. Family emergency." She gestured to the open confessional booth. "Would you be willing to fill in? I know you haven't been feeling well lately but we're short on hands today."

Caleb nodded. "Of course. I'd be happy to."

Despite how tired he was, he would never refuse someone asking for help. The first few hours of confessional were slow, with only a couple of people coming in. Most simply stated their sins and left, others asked for advice. Everything he gave them was generic, for generic sins.

A young man spoke from the other side of the booth. "Father?"

"What have you come to confess, child?"

That was when he felt a familiar pair of hands on his thighs. He snapped his eyes down, pleading with him not to do this now.

The demon smiled, his razor sharp teeth glinting. He slowly started to lift Caleb's robes, and he shot him another pleading look. As the young man on the other side spoke, the demon mouthed the words along with him.

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."


Zonlryx smiled at the panicked look on the priests face as he slowly pulled the front of his pants down and let his dick free. Caleb shook his head, trying to push him away by his horns, but Zon held his wrists down to the bench. He was too strong for the human to get free. He mouthed, "not here."

"It'll be fine, if you're quiet." He was whispering, and Caleb glared at him.

As the young man in the confessional started to speak, Zon got to work.

"I've been tempted by lust lately." He said. Zon nearly laughed. How fitting.

Caleb tried to yank his hands free, even as his dick began to get hard under Zon's tongue. He loved the way humans tasted, this one in particular. There was something about the priest that fascinated him to no end.

"I've been on a few dates with a girl at my college. She keeps trying to initiate sexual acts." He paused. "I have in a few nights ago. She got in her knees before me and I let her."

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