7- Valentines Day Special (Zain x Callum)

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Before we start, Happy Valentine's Day! If you're single, same bestie <3. This is a rly long one with a brief intermission for fluff in the middle. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Here's how I imagine the characters:

 Here's how I imagine the characters:Callum

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Zain (vampire)

Callum was surrounded by hyper children

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Callum was surrounded by hyper children. It was pick up time for his first graders, and each and every one of them had eaten copious amounts of sugar at the valentines party for their class. He was already tired of dealing with parents and children by the time Alice's mother came to get her.

He had to force himself to give her a pleasant smile. "Janice. Good to see you. Alice did wonderful today."

"Well she takes after her mom, don't you honey?" Janice smiled and batted her eyelashes. He found it hard to believe she'd worn such a low cut dress to pick up her first grader, but he knew why. She'd been like this since the beginning of the year.

Callum wanted to scream I'm gay! so she'd leave him alone, but he just smiled again. "I'll see you two on Monday."

Janice pulled a small card out of her bag. "Oh! Wait, I got you a card."

Callum took it from her and looked at the front. A big, red heart was plastered across the front with some cheesy saying. He didn't bother opening it before he said, "Tell your husband I said hi. I'll see you Monday."

She cleared her throat and walked away with her daughter. Callum sighed. Thankfully, the rest of the children were picked up quickly and the drive to his apartment was short.

He stripped as soon as he got through the door, heading to his bathroom to shower.


Zain watched from the corner of the room as Callum walked out of the bathroom, butt naked and wet from his shower. His pale skin was perfect and his blonde hair was falling into his face now that it wasn't styled. Zain could already feel the stiffness in his pants.

Before Callum could make it to the bed, Zain was behind him, holding his hips and brushing his lips against the skin on his neck.

"How did you get in here?" Despite asking this, he leaned back into Zains touch.

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