NYFW day1 pt2 unexpected encounter

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I glance at him every once in a while during the show and see him. I never realised how good looking he actually is.
"Why do you keep looking at me" he says focusing on the show
"I- uh I just" I say looking away and focusing on the show more
"I like your outfit" he says looking at me and smiling softly
"Who are you?„ I say finally looking at him in the eyes

"Park sunghoon" he says confidently straightening his suit
"You know for a fact that's not what I'm talking about." I say tilting my head "you're definitely not just some random store boy."
"You're right about, you look beautiful" he says trying to change the topic
"Are you flirting with me?" I say sitting straight and looking away

"Maybe I am" he spoke laughing
"Even if you don't tell me I'll find out who you are" I say remembering about what Assistant Kim was going to tell me
"You're going to send a private investigator onto me?" He exclaimed

"I don't think you know who I am" I say whispering and shaking my head sarcastically as I speak
"Mo Jia, youngest daughter of MC group, daughter of Mo Chul hee and Lee ari. Modelled for American vogue, Korean vogue, Hong Kong vogue, Chinese vogue and British vogue. The youngest and richest female teenager in the whole of Asia. And Africa. And Europe. The richest female teenager in the whole world. The largest shareholder of MC group" he said without flinching " would you like me to continue?"

"Who's sending private investigators on who?" I said smirking

"When I see someone I like, I do everything in my power to have them" he says looking at me and smiling sarcastically
"I'm Mo Jia. Not some girl you found on the street ok?" I say rolling my eyes. Although he is a potential love interest, I still know my worth and I won't let my standards go low because of anyone.
"What's going on here?" Felix says coming from behind us like a third wheel his eyes going from me to sunghoon and back to me

"Nothing." I say looking back at the show
"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" Sunghoon says
" No"
"Yes" me and Felix say at the same time while looking at eachother
"You're not my boyfriend" I say almost laughing at that statement
"Your father doesn't think so" he says looking offended
"Fuck what my father thinks, he's not me." I say looking back at the show and grabbing my purse because it's almost finished

"Well I'll have you know that she's my future wife" Felix says childishly sunghoon
"God forbid." I say grabbing my chest in fake shock
"Funny. Very very funny. "felix says fake laughing as the show ends.

"That was quite the show" Alex looks at me and claps
"I have to go, just got a call from Madonna, have fun" he says whispering the last part and looking over at sunghoon as I give him a fake smile and dismiss him.

"Shall we" sunghoon says offering his hand so I could hold it
"Fuck off" I say grabbing my purse and walking away as he catches up to me

" You feel like you'll look bad next to me? You scared I'll outshine you?" he smirks
I stop in my tracks and look him up and down disgustingly
"You? Outshine me? You're not the president. I doubt even the president could outshine me" I say laughing loudly and and walking away while he stays back

"Is she crazy?" He says scratching his head and looking confusedly
"She's normally like that" felix says walking up to him and putting a hand on his shoulder

"Do i know you?" Sunghoon says with a blank expression
"I'm your competition." Felix says laughing and walking away

"Match made in hell." Sunghoon shakes his head

HEY GUYSSS I'm so sorry I uploaded a bit late. I originally wanted pt1 and pt2 to be one chapter but I figured it's too long. Anywayssss enjoy and PLEASE VOTEEEE

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