Valentine's Special

Start from the beginning

"Nervous 'bout what?"

Aziraphale looks at the small box on the desk, nervousness running through his veins, making his body tense. He knows he needs to find his courage again or else he'll never know if there's a right time for his plan or if he should just put the box away and never think of it again.
"I was just wondering if you're still fine with tonight. We could cancel-"

"My dear angel" Crowley chuckles. "Are you nervous about us?"

"What? No! Well- ..." Aziraphale blushes. He just wants to make things right but why does he feel like he has no idea what to do? Has he eventually spent too much time on earth by now, becoming too human? Has the friendship with Maggie and Nina too much influence on him? Or is he too afraid to be rejected? Is he afraid to lose Crowley for good by crossing boundaries?

Once again, Crowley chuckles and interrupts Aziraphale's racing thoughts. "Angel, whatever you're racking your cute little head about, don't worry. We'll be fine. It's just a stupid human tradition we're giving a try. If we don't like it, we don't have to do that again."

Silence. Aziraphale blushes, his cheeks a bright pink now, a smile on his face. His nerves calming down.


"Sorry. Thank you" Aziraphale answers still with a smile. For heaven's sake, he is head over heels for his demon and can't wait for tonight. He should've called Crowley earlier. Somehow, the demon always knows how to calm him down, probably without him even trying.

"Okay" Crowley says. "See you at five then."

The demon ends the call and looks at the box behind him, screwing his nose at all the cheesy stuff he's gotten. Roses, candles, all sort of heart shaped stuff but also a bottle of their favorite wine. He does not understand what humans like about Valentine's Day but his angel will surely love it. Just then, he remembers they've forgotten an important detail, so he calls Aziraphale back.

"Crowley?" the angel asks surprised, picking up just a second later as if he has not left the place he was standing at just yet.

"Where do we meet?"

"At the bookshop, so I thought. Why? You want to meet at your place?" Aziraphale is confused as Crowley has never invited him to his place before. He always tells the angel he wouldn't like it. Something about too black, too empty, too dark. Probably that is why Crowley cares about his plants so much, as they're a contrast to the dark walls in Crowley's apartment, Aziraphale thinks to himself.

"Got any appointments today?" Crowley asks as he needs Aziraphale gone for at least an hour to make his plan work.

"What? No. You're being weird, Crowley!"

Crowley silently mimics what he imagines Aziraphale just looked like by saying that. "Well, seems to be a weird day for the both of us" he mumbles. His grip on the steering wheel tightens as he tries to come up with a good idea to get the angel out of the bookshop. "Can you feed the ducks for me?"

"The ducks?" Aziraphale asks.

"At the St. James Park. Frozen Peas if you don't mind."

"Are you feeding the ducks every day?" Aziraphale asks, less surprised by the request itself than by the thought that Crowley actually does that.

"Well, someone has to. They can't eat bread It's not good for them." Crowley clenches his teeth, afraid this won't work. "I'm not going to ask again."

"Fine" Aziraphale answers sighing. He'd do anything for him. "Oh, and Crowley?"


"Happy Valentine's Day"

"Yeah, whatever. See you later" the demon says and quickly ends the call. The grip on the steering wheel has tightened again and his cheeks have turned into a deep pink as his head has lowered, trying to hide the blushing. The Bentley starts to play a cheesy love song, exactly knowing how the demon feels. "Absolutely not!" he mumbles, quickly putting in his favorite Queen album as the blushing gets worse. That damn car sometimes...

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