Valentine's Special

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"Are you sure?" Aziraphale asks, the doubt clearly hearable in his voice. "Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Absolutely not!" Maggie answers excitedly
"Oh, absolutely!" Nina disagrees the same moment.
Aziraphale raises his eyebrows at their lack of unity and frowns.

"You want to make tonight special, don't you? So, do it!" Maggie tries to encourage him even more.

"I do! But- He's-" Aziraphale stops mid-sentence and huffs in frustration. His eyes wander to the name of the coffee shop sprayed with white color on the blue wall. "Wait, does someone actually ever order death here?"

"What? No! Why should they?! It's just a name-" Nina exclaims and then sighs. She places a hand on Maggie's shoulder and squeezes it softly. A small gesture to show the appreciation of her sort of help. "Mr. Fell, changing the topic won't help. I know you're worried but today is about love. Just do what feels right. He'll love it anyway."

"Aziraphale" the angel corrects her. "I already told you we're past the formal, dear. Especially after what you've done for him."

"She's right, though" Maggie says and places her hand on Aziraphale's. "I mean, I'm sort of the go big or go home kind of woman, but Crowley loves you and your relationship the way it is. If this feels like too much, do what feels right."

"But I don't know what feels right!" Aziraphale yammers desperate and his body goes somehow limp. Very different from his usual upright and confident posture. "After all that I have put him through, I want tonight tonight to be perfect. Give him what he deserves. And he probably doesn't even care about today. Heaven, why should he even? Traditions were never his thing of interest."

"But it's not about the day or any traditions. It's about the two of you" Nina says softly but then grabs the coffee she had served Aziraphale and pushes him out the seat. "Now go home and listen to our advices. Mine more than hers..." she says, nodding in Maggie's direction. "I wouldn't go too big. But nevertheless, I, myself, have a date to attend tonight and need to get ready and so do you, Mister". And as Nina pushes him out of the shop, the last thing the angel hears is Maggie's soft laughter and the excitement about her date tonight.

The angel straightens his clothes before he turns around, as if it is helping him to clear his head. But he's still pondering about the conversation he just had whilst passing the street and heading to the bookshop. As he reaches his desk, he places down the small box he has kept in his pocket to show the couple and looks at it for some longer.
What if Crowley laughs at him and his idea? Maybe he would even get mad at Aziraphale for coming up with the idea at all. Heaven, he is so confused right now!

In the end, almost automatically, Aziraphale dials Crowley's number on his old phone. If he doesn't know what to do anyway, he might as well ask him.

Crowley has been busy all midmorning long and just stumbles into his Bentley after placing the heavy box on the seat behind him when he gets the call. "Angel" Crowley greets him as he picks up.

"Crowley..." Aziraphale breathes out his name, kind of nervous yet happy to hear him but doesn't continue to talk. "Crowley, are you still there?"

"Just waiting for you to say more than just my name, Angel."

"Right, sorry. I'm-, It's just-" Aziraphale stumbles over his own words, fumbling with the cord of the telephone and sighs. He can't even control his nervousness during a god damn call. "Sorry."

"Angel" Crowley repeats the nickname once more, his eyebrow now raised as if he could see Aziraphale through the radio. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, no worries, my dear! Just nervous."

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