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The infamous Tivlar, Estrel-also known as the purple pain in the ass- was at the tavern like every moonrise. Though no one respected him as a citizen, he was a valued swindler and stealth was his right-hand man. In fact that was his fake name, Stealth. He was hidden when he wanted to and seen when he chose to. He approached Gerald, taking off his hood, his insidious smirk ever so present and his ears twitched, sounding the small jingle of his earrings.

"I was needed?"

"Yes..." He looked up at Stealth with wary eyes, staring intently at his facial stains.

Since he was of mixed race, his skin was purple and white, like a stained paper.

Stealth did not have the face of someone you could trust, he had the face of a con-man, a cunning creature who'd take your money the first chance he'd have. Gerald squinted at him for a second before sighing.

"I need someone to head to the Eastern border. The witch, Hedanth Valve has a certain mushroom I must obtain to complete my medical research. It is on her private property but she will not miss a couple dozen..." His gaze flickered to Stealth's eyes, the pair people said unnerved them. Stealth's pupils were vertical slits and his eyes were a dark brown, nearly black.

"I will accept it if I like the pay." the Tivlar nodded once, folding his arms over his chest.

"Yes. I will pay you 100 Sinx for each pound of mushrooms you bring."

"100 a pound?" he tapped the bar and nodded slowly, "Very well. I will set out tomorrow-"

He was cut off by the door opening and the giant black beast hunching over to walk through the door, his horns making it ten times more difficult than it should have been

"Is that...?!"

"The Kazcta!" Gerald spluttered, "Him! You!" he pointed at the tall mountain of scars and muscles.

He looked at Stealth and said, "I want him to go with you!"

Rage blinded Stealth, his lips parted in disbelief.

"You fuck-"

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