Read for warnings, thank you.

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If you do not read this you'll be upset later on.

(Or get major spoilers)

The species index DOES SPOIL certain big ideas so make sure to only look for a species you've already covered in the book, they're organized by order of mention.

There is a m-preg but it's complicated. I don't like the idea much myself but that's what drove me to write it, the uncomfortable feeling derived from it is another fueling factor of why Tivlar's are seen so lowly in society. I don't write too much about the pregnancy itself, just the child, the act, and the relationship connections. The point is, I tried my best not to make it weird, please don't drop the book just because of it, thank you. It is the first and only pregnancy described in detail, all the following books will have either adopted, no, or older children.

Other general warnings include, violence, gore, medical abuse, physical assault, glazing over memories of sexual assault(not deep in description), PTSD, discrimination based on race/species of characters.

Thank you for reading, any suggestions or helpful remarks can be sent to me directly on Wattpad.

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