However, all of these thoughts leave my head when I raise my head and finally take in her breathtaking appearance.

Donning a lavish dark blue halter dress, Elena simply looks radiant, exactly like a picture perfect host of the party. Her makeup is not applied too heavily, but just enough to bring out her complexion, emphasised by the lovely locks framing her face. Adorned with a silver necklace and elegant bracelets, she looks like a completely different person than the one I'm used to.

It's a wonder I manage to stay on my feet at all.

"Hi, Elena," I greet her, with this being the first time we've conversed in weeks. "Thanks for inviting me here today," I add cautiously.

"No problem, I'm glad you came," Elena replies, and I let out an internal sigh of relief.

At this moment, Yvonne bounces across the hall with two sodas in hand, the skirts of her yellow floral cut-out minidress flowing around her knees as she reaches the two of us near the entrance.

"Perfect timing, Yvonne!" Elena grins and takes the two cans from her friend. Yvonne has most likely grabbed one soda for Elena and one for herself, hence the look of confusion — perhaps also a hint of annoyance — when she sees Elena hand me the other can.

"Do you mind greeting the guests for just a while in my place?" asks Elena, and Yvonne agrees willingly, albeit with a suspecting look directed at me.

"Come, I'll show you around," Elena says to me, tugging on my arm lightly to lead me further into the mansion where the life of the party lies.

I oblige, opening my can of soda and taking a sip as I follow Elena's lead.

"Sooo," I break the ice when we stay silent for another moment despite the welcoming atmosphere and the cacophony of amiable chatter around, "how come you decided to host such a big event on New Year's Eve? I thought your parties are usually invite-only or on a smaller scale at least."

"That has been true in the past, but luckily for me, I have the whole house to myself this evening," Elena replies, but then elaborates on her answer at my questioning look. "My dad has recently just stepped down as the CEO of my parents' company and letting my brother take the lead officially. So today they're all in London for an important event, mainly to solidify their connections, since my brother is still newly-appointed and rather young compared to the others."

"Oh wow, I didn't know your parents owned a company," I remark as we both arrive at the drawing room at the end of the entrance hall, where the party seems to be the most exciting.

Dozens of teenagers are socialising with each other in the room, although I have no idea how they can hear each other over the blasting music drumming into my ears. Refreshments and snacks are laid out on the tables, with the staff restocking them every few minutes.

"So here's the drawing room, and the living room is next door," Elena introduces, "and those double doors right there lead to the garden outside, which is where we'll be counting down for the new year. You are staying for the countdown, right?"

"Most likely yes," I answer and she smiles.

"The washroom is just down that corridor," Elena continues, pointing to that direction, "and that's all I can think of. These are all the places where the party will be happening, so just stick around here and you'll be fine."

Mumbling a brief thank you, I take another sip of my soda for lack of something else to say.

"Okay, well I think I've left Yvonne alone at the entrance for far too long. I better check to see she hasn't made a mess or admitted too many people," Elena says, eliciting a light chuckle from me. "Just enjoy and have fun, I guess. I'll see you around, Isla."

Dare To Kiss (GxG)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon