Chapter 18

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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! 💕 Please read author's note at end...


An abbreviation which stands for Wow Oh Wow.

The exclamation slips out of my mouth in awe before I can stop it as soon as Elena's house comes into view.

Although it would really be better described as a mansion. With its towering form and elegant appearance even on its exterior. Not to mention the front gate and driveway to lead to the main building, along with a luxurious garden at the front that's decorated to the utmost perfection.

"Remember, no later than 1 am, okay?" my mum reinstates when I prepare to leave the car. "Call us anytime before then, and we'll be happy to pick you up. But that's the absolute latest, alright?"

"I know, I know," I tell my parents.

My dad sighs, saying to my mum, "I told you I still think that's a bit too late."

"It's New Year's Eve, for God's sake. Let her have some fun before her mocks. Isla's been revising so hard this holiday," Mum defends in my favour, making a smile break across my face. "Besides, she'll want to do the countdown for the new year."

Dad waves a hand dismissively, surrendering to my mum's arguments. "Okay, go before I change my mind," he relents in a defeated tone.

"Thank you!" I squeal in gratitude to both of my parents before climbing out of the car in immense excitement, my phone and bag in hand.

Finally, I get an actual evening off from studying.

With our mocks and later our exams coming up, it's a wonder I get any time to relax at all, especially with my parents and their insanely high expectations for my grades. All holiday long, I've either been up in my bedroom revising, or downstairs socialising with relatives and family friends whenever they come over to catch up and celebrate. We've visited several other houses as well and attended some dinner parties, but at least Iris was observant and kind enough to urge our parents not to schedule too many exhausting events, seeing that I'm close to burning out.

As a result, you can see that I haven't had a proper rest for a while, even on evenings that I don't revise, but instead have to socialise with others. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate it, but it can also be exhausting at times.

Today, however, at this New Year's Eve party, even though I know the atmosphere will be buzzing and loud, I'll be allowed to let loose and have some fun. In addition, I'll also be able to catch up with some of my friends, who I haven't seen for ages unfortunately, due to our conflicting schedules and busy holidays.

Glancing at the watch on my hand, I notice that the party has already started a while ago, but many people are still arriving and many cars are still pulling up to drop teenagers off.

It doesn't surprise me that the party is on such a large scale and with at least a hundred participants invited — it's hosted by Elena after all. She's done similar events before over the years, but never as big as this, and I usually don't bother about them. But this time, after being personally invited, I want to come and see what all the hype's about, and I might as well enjoy myself at the party while I'm at it.

Elena, being a good host, stands at the entrance hall of her home, greeting the guests as they enter, with either some friendly chatter, a complimentary remark, or even just a simple hello and welcome. She continuously surveys the driveway, almost as if she's specifically looking for someone.

I definitely don't expect it to be me when I enter through the open double doors and hear Elena exclaim, "Isla!"

Momentarily surprised, I carefully walk over to her, closing the distance of just a few feet between us. Did she suddenly change her mind and decided that I'm not welcome anymore? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

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