Ⅰ. The Creature Inheritance

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The morning sun struggled to penetrate the perpetual gloom that hung over 4 Privet Drive. Harry Potter lay on his thin, lumpy mattress, his body aching from the previous day's beating. Each breath was a painful reminder of his uncle's cruelty, the bruises on his ribs making it difficult to inhale deeply.

Harry longed to stay in bed, to let the day pass without having to face his relatives, but his uncle's bellowing voice shattered any hope of peace. "Boy! Get down here, now!"

Harry flinched at the sound, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew better than to keep his uncle waiting, so he forced himself to his feet and made his way downstairs, trying to stay as quiet as possible. "Y-Yes, Uncle," Harry answered, keeping his eyes downcast.

"Where is our dinner? Get to cooking, freak!" his uncle bellowed, his face red with anger.

Harry immediately hurried to the kitchen, his hands shaking as he began to prepare the Dursleys' meal. He worked as quickly as he could, trying to avoid any further outbursts from his uncle.

As he cooked, Harry couldn't help but wonder what he had done to deserve such treatment. He knew he was different, that he was a wizard, but that didn't make him a freak. He longed for a life where he didn't have to live in fear, where he could be himself without being punished for it.

Just as he was putting the finishing touches on the meal, a thunderous stomping on the stairs reverberated through the house, causing Harry to startle and drop the plate he was holding. His uncle, hearing the commotion, turned around and saw the shattered plate on the floor. His face twisted with rage.

"You freak! Look what you've done!" he bellowed, his voice shaking the walls. "Clean it up, now!"

Harry, trembling with fear, dropped to his knees and began picking up the broken pieces of the plate, wincing as the jagged edges cut into his skin. He quickly threw them away, but before he could stand up, his uncle grabbed him by the hair, yanking him upwards.

"You need to be taught a lesson, you freak!" his uncle spat, his voice dripping with venom. "I'll beat the freakishness out of you today!"

Harry's pleas for mercy went unheard as his uncle dragged him up the stairs by his hair, ignoring his cries of pain. As they reached the top of the stairs, Harry's fear turned to desperation. He knew he had to get away, but he was no match for his uncle's strength.

Gathering all his courage, Harry made a desperate lunge for the banister, trying to break free from his uncle's grasp. But his uncle was quicker, anticipating his move. He tightened his grip on Harry's hair, pulling him back with such force that Harry felt like his scalp was on fire.

"Oh no, you don't," his uncle growled, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "You're not getting away from me that easily."

Harry's heart sank as he realized the inevitability of his situation. He knew that no one would come to his rescue, that he was completely at his uncle's mercy. He could only brace himself for the beating that was to come, trying to retreat into his mind to escape the pain and humiliation.

As his uncle raised his hand to strike, Harry closed his eyes, trying to block out the world around him. 


Harry lay on the cold, hard floor of his room, his lifeblood seeping from his wounds and staining the floor beneath him. The pain was unbearable, and he knew that he was on the brink of death. But as the clock struck midnight, signaling the start of his fifteenth birthday, a newfound 

determination surged through him. He would not let his uncle win. He would not let his life end like this.

With every ounce of strength he had left, Harry began to count down in his mind. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." As he reached the end of his countdown, a searing pain coursed through his body, more intense than anything he had ever experienced before. He screamed in agony, his voice echoing through the house, certain that his cries would wake the Dursleys.

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