Ⅳ. The Arcane Interlude

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Hadrian stood in the backyard concentrating on feeling his magic flow through his body, he has been out here for 2 hours training his wandless magic, gradually honing his abilities. He has yet to cast the spells wordlessly, but he was determined to reach that level. As he focused, he whispered the incantation,"Επανέλθω," The spell's purpose was clear—to summon the spell book that lay miles away from him. The air around him shimmered, and the distant book began to materialize, drawn by his unwavering intent.

As the spell book materialized before him, Hadrian's eyes widened in amazement. He had successfully summoned an object from a great distance using only his will and magic, a feat he had been striving to achieve for weeks. A sense of pride and excitement surged through him, fueling his determination to continue honing his wandless magic skills.

After retrieving the spell book, Hadrian continued to practice his wandless magic, he felt his connection to his core grow stronger with every spell cast. The euphoria of wielding such powerful magic coursed through his veins, motivating him to push his limits further. He whispered another incantation, "Εκτόξευση," focusing on conjuring a flame in the palm of his hand.

A small flicker of fire danced to life, gradually growing into a controlled blaze as Hadrian maintained his concentration. Encouraged by his success, he attempted more complex spells, his confidence growing with each successful casting.

After hours of intense practice, Hadrian's body glistened with sweat and his muscles ached from the effort. However, he refused to relent, knowing that mastery over wandless magic would be his most powerful tool in the battles to come.

As he prepared to cast his final spell for the day, a soft voice interrupted his focus. "Master Slytherin," Tiks called out, his tone respectful yet urgent. "I apologize for the interruption, but there is mail that requires your attention."

Hadrian turned to face the house elf, a curious expression on his face. "A letter? Who could it be from?" he mused aloud, accepting the envelope from Tiks.

Tiks bowed respectfully. "Tiks is not sure, Master Slytherin. The owl that delivered it did not wait for a reply. Shall Tiks fetch a knife to open it for you?"

Hadrian shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No need, Tiks. Thank you for bringing it to me. I will open it myself," he replied, breaking the wax seal on the envelope with his fingers.

As he read the contents of the letter, his expression shifted from curiosity to surprise. The message inside was from an unfamiliar sender, inviting him to a gathering of like-minded individuals who shared a passion for potion-making and magical experimentation.

Intrigued by the invitation, Hadrian made a mental note to attend the gathering, sensing that it could be an opportunity to expand his knowledge and network with fellow practitioners.

Hadrian's curiosity piqued, and he decided to retreat to his study—a dimly lit room adorned with ancient tapestries and shelves filled with dusty tomes. The air smelled of aged parchment and secrets long forgotten.

He settled into a high-backed chair, the wood creaking under his weight. The letter lay before him, its inked words dancing across the page. The sender's name remained elusive, but the invitation promised knowledge beyond the ordinary.

Hadrian dipped his quill into an inkwell, its contents shimmering like liquid moonlight. The parchment awaited his response. He considered his words carefully, for this gathering held potential both perilous and enlightening.

Dear Unknown Correspondent,

I accept your intriguing invitation. The pursuit of arcane arts has always been my passion, and I am eager to share insights and discoveries with fellow practitioners.

Please provide further details—time, location, and any prerequisites.

Yours in curiosity,

Hadrian Slytherin

As the ink dried, Hadrian sealed the letter with a drop of wax, imprinting it with the emblem of a serpent coiled around a wand. Tiks, ever loyal, stood by with a small owl perched on her shoulder, ready to deliver the missive.

Hadrian watched the owl take flight, its wings slicing through the air. The gathering awaited—a clandestine assembly where magic flowed like hidden rivers. He wondered what secrets lay beyond the veil, and whether this path would lead to enlightenment or treacherous depths.

With resolve burning in his eyes, Hadrian leaned back in his chair. The room seemed to hum with anticipation, as if the very walls whispered ancient incantations. He would attend the gathering, armed not only with wandless magic but also with curiosity—the most potent spell of all.

"Tiks can you get me a book on runes from the libary?" Hadrian requested, taking out a parcement from his desk drawer. "Yes, Master Slytherin." Tinks replied popping out of the room. Hadrian put the parcement on his desk, making sure he has enough ink as he waits on Tiks.

"Here you go master Slytherin." Tiks said, giving three books to Hadrian. "Thank you Tiks, if you would be kind to prepare snacks and tea for me, please." Hadrian thanked Tiks, his voice steady. "Of course, master Slytherin."

Hadrian settled into his study, the three ancient tomes laid out before him. Their leather covers were worn, and the pages held secrets that spanned centuries. The flickering candlelight danced across the room, casting elongated shadows on the stone walls. He dipped his quill into the inkwell, ready to unravel the mysteries of these powerful runes.

The first book, titled Codex of Unbinding, contained intricate symbols that promised freedom from enchantments. Hadrian traced the lines with reverence, committing them to memory. These were no ordinary runes; they held the key to breaking compulsions, lifting imperius curses, and shattering the chains of magical obedience. His heart raced as he imagined the possibilities.

Next was The Veil's Whisper, a volume whispered to have been penned by a ghostly scribe. Its pages were brittle, and the ink had faded, but the runes remained potent. Hadrian squinted, deciphering the script. These were the runes of breaking obliviation—the very essence of forgetting. With them he could break out of obliviation and recover his memories.

Finally, the third book, Elixir of Hearts, intrigued him. Its cover bore an intricate heart-shaped rune, pulsing with crimson energy. Within its pages lay the secrets of love potions—the delicate balance between desire and obsession. Hadrian hesitated. Love was a dangerous elixir, capable of both healing and destruction. But he was a Slytherin, and knowledge was power.

He dipped his quill once more, this time onto the parchment before him. The ink flowed smoothly as he recorded his findings:

Notes on Ancient Runes 

Codex of Unbinding
Rune of Liberation (ᚢ): Breaks enchantments, frees the mind from magical control.

Sigil of Resistance (ᛏ): Shields against imperius curses, strengthens the will. Glyph of Autonomy (ᛇ): Releases from obedience potions, restores agency. 

The Veil's Whisper

Whispering Glyph (ᚦ): Obliviation rune, erases memories selectively.

Fading Sigil (ᛒ): Veils secrets, obscures past events.

Ephemeral Mark (ᛉ): Binds memories, weaves them into the fabric of time. 

Elixir of Hearts

Passion's Emblem (ᚡ): Ignites desire, kindles love's flame.
Obsession's Veil (ᛖ): Beware—too much can lead to madness.
Tender Bond (ᛗ): Creates lasting connections, but at a cost.

Hadrian leaned back, his eyes scanning the runes he had transcribed. The power within these symbols was intoxicating. He wondered how he might wield them—for knowledge, for protection, or perhaps for ambition. The candle flickered, casting shadows that seemed to dance with secrets of their own.

As he sipped the tea Tiks had prepared, Hadrian vowed to master these ancient runes. They would be his foundation, etched into the very fabric of magic itself. 

To be contineud...

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