"So someone really did murder my family," I mumbled to myself as we started walking again.

"It was probably organized by a young woman."

"What young woman?" Stiles asked.

"If I knew that, she'd be in jail," Mr. Stilinski stated with annoyance.

"Was she young then, or is she young now?" I questioned.

"She's probably in her late 20s," he said, pulling out his ringing phone. "I got to grab this call."

"You don't know her name?" Stiles threw his hands up.

"No, I don't—What is this? Twenty-one questions? All we know is that she had a very distinctive...uh what do you call it? A pendant."

"What the hell's a pendant?" Stiles yelled and I rolled my eyes. I literally have a few on his chest of drawers.

"Stiles, do you go to school?" his dad yelled, and I cringed. "A pendant! It's necklace! Riah has them all over the house for God's sake. Now, can I answer the phone?"

Stiles nodded and his dad walked off, but before Stiles could say anything, I grabbed the front of his shirt. "Allison's necklace, Stiles. That's the pendent."

His eyes widened and he grabbed my hand, pulling us down the hall. "It's Kate Argent. She burned your house down."

"Damn, let's just drop that news on me like that and have a thank you party while we're at it," I sarcastically muttered.

"Sarcasm? Right now?" He looked over his shoulder at me.

"It's a coping mechanism!" I exclaimed, walking past Jackson who, for some reason, followed us.

"Hey, where are you going?" he called out behind us.

"To find Scott," I said over my shoulder briefly.

"But you don't have a car," he stated the obvious.

Stiles looked over at him with an annoyed expression. "We're aware of that. Thank you."

"Here, I'll drive," he offered, grabbing Stiles' shoulder only for it to get shoved away.

We stopped, facing him. "Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right?" Stiles snapped, squeezing my hand tighter. "Half of this is still your fault."

"Look, I have a car. You don't," Jackson countered. "Do you want my help or not?"

Stiles sighed. "All right. Did you bring the Porsche?"

"Yeah," Jackson said, holding up the keys.

"Good," Stiles said, snatching them out of his hand. "Riah's driving."

I took the keys from Stiles, turning to walk again only to stop at Mr. Argent blocking our way out with two men behind him.

"Boys and Neriah," he said with a cruel smile and Stiles pushed me behind him. "I was wondering if you could tell me where Scott McCall is."

Just by the looks of the other men staring at only me, I knew that they all knew which family I came from and what I was. This could end horribly...

"Scott McCall?" Stiles asked, pondering for a moment. "Um, I haven't seen him since the dance. Riah?" He tightened his grip on my hand.

"I've been with Stiles the whole night," I said with a shrug and looked to Jackson. "What about you, Jackson?"

"Uh...I-I," Jackson stuttered and I started yelling at him in my head. This is exactly why he would be a shit werewolf.

"Oh, for the love of God," Stiles sighed.

Howling to the Heart || Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now