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' printing in progress'

The five all gathered around the huge 3d printer as it printed a large square to fix the walls. "Some kind of 3d printer from space. Tell it to print a fake ID," Lizzie said. "Tell it to print Brittany Spears", Berger said. "Hasn't she been through enough?" Lizzie said.

"It can't print people. Looks like only a few things to choose from." Maya said as she scrolled through the options. Lizzie pressed what looked like a backpack. The lazer things started printing out the backpack.

It brought it to the table and Lizzie grabbed it. Everybody started grabbing weapons. Stella grabbed a stick that had blue light illuminating from it. There was a blue button, she pressed it and the stick extended into a staff with a staticky blue light. She touched it but quickly retracted her arm and let out a yelp because it had shocked her.

"Stell! Are you okay?" Charlie said. "Yeah Charles i'm okay," Stella said. "Guys I've got a taser stick," Stella announced. "I've got a magnet wand" Berger said. Suddenly Lizzie started screaming. The backpack was actually a jet pack. She started flying around in the air. Everyone crowded around to help her. Charlie got kicked in the face and fell.

"Hold on Lizzie!" Stella said. She jumped up grabbed her legs but was carried into the air with Lizzie. Stella also began screaming. Maya grabbed Stella's foot and held onto the table with her other hand and brought them down to the floor.

"You okay?" Maya asked the two. "Yeah" Lizzie said. "Yeah" Stella said laying on the floor. Charlie reached an arm out to help her up. "That was crazy," Charlie said pointing his finger at Stella. The weapon he had in his arm shot an energy blast at said girl. She went flying back and hit the wall, she dropped to the floor unconscious. "Oh my gosh. Stella!" Lizzie said running to the girl. "You shot Stella!" Maya said, she was quick to follow. "I killed Stella." Charlie said as he knelt next to the girl.

"You killed Stella!" Lizzie said. "Come on Stell, wake up!" Charlie said patting her cheek. Charlie looked away in disbelief when she wouldn't wake up. "She's okay!" Lizzie said once she saw her eyes flutter open. "You're okay Stella," Maya said gently to the girl. Charlie was quick to hug Stella. "I'm so sorry Stella," Charlie said. "It's okay Charlie," Stella said rubbing his back.

"Hey guys check this out!" Berger said. There was a ring around his neck but his head was gone. They all let out a scream. "Where's his head!" Lizzie said. "It's DJ Berger, the headless assassin comin' at you live!" Berger said while dancing.

"Guys! Look over here," Berger's head said coming out of another ring. "How are you doing that?" Stella asked. "You put your head through one magic portal thingy and it comes out of the other magic portal thingy!" Berger said.

"Oooh what's that?"Maya said, grabbing car keys and pressed the unlock button. A van sped towards them, almost crushing them. Just before the van hit the group, it stopped. "This is sick," Berger said. The five dispersed, looking around the van. "Still think your dad is the guards butler?" Lizzie asked.

"Are you okay?" Stella asked the blond boy as she watched him smash a mug. "Yeah, just ready to get out of here," Charlie said. "Okay, because it kinda looks like you broke that mug," Stella said. "Yeah I guess I don't know my own strength," Charlie said.

"Guys we gotta out everything back where we found it. Nobody can know we where in here." Charlie said. Stella was picking up pieces of the ceramic mug, planning to fix it later. "Yeah we have that test tomorrow anyway." Maya said. "That class was so easy. I wish I could take it for you" Lizzie said while holding the magic portal thingy.

"About that," Maya said jumping onto the couch, "I kinda have a crazy Idea."


The idea was that they would use the magic portal thingys to cheat on the test. Lizzie would have one and give them the answers from the library and Maya would have the other one and give us the answers that Lizzie was giving.

"That was awesome!" Berger said, high fiving Maya when they got out of class. "She didn't even notice," Maya said. "Excuse me mister Berger!" The science teacher, Mrs. Carlyle said. "Uh!" Berger said shoving the portal thingy into his locker. "What was that thing you put in your locker?" Mrs. Carlyle said.

"It was a uh sculpture I made for art class," Berger said. "I got my eyes on you Berger," Mrs. Carlyle said. Maya pushed Berger so that they could walk away. "Very challenging test thank you," Charlie said, passing by. He grabbed Stella's hand and ran after Berger and Maya.


After school, Charlie and Berger had another game. This time, Charlie had a gadget that gave power to his arm. When he was called up, he turned it on. "Yeah Charlie! You got this!" Stella cheered. Charlie threw the ball and Forrest had no time to even swing because the ball was thrown with lots of force.

Charlie looked at Stella and was expecting her to be looking at him, but when he looked, he saw a guy talking to Stella. He turned the dial on the arm gadget and gave it more power. He threw the ball and the same thing happened.

"And this is the line that tells me you don't have a date to the dance," The guy, Nick, said to Stella. Charlie turned the dial to maximum strength. "Do you want to go with me?" Nick asked. Stella hesitated. She wanted to go with Charlie, but seeing as it was already too late, she didn't think he'd ask her. And that's the only reason she said, "Sure"

Charlie threw the ball so hard that it went through Berger's glove. Everyone in the stadium gasped. Stella quickly stood up and started cheering loudly. Maya and Lizzie were cheering as well.


The group was running out of the school and towards Charlie's dads van. "Shotgun!" Stella called out. They all got in and Charlie started the van and started doing donuts in the parking lot. "You're a great driver!" Stella shouted. "Thanks!" Charlie shouted back.

Second chapter of today😜
Not edited

Second chapter of today😜Not edited

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Head Over Heels~Charlie KincaidWhere stories live. Discover now