Chapter 4

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We jumped the fence closest to us and ran. The guards noticed and did the same. This begins the police hunt. We ran as fast as we could and continued to jump fences. I saw a latter and begun to climb. Lady Gaga slipped but I caught her and we kept going. We eventually reached a roof and saw another one a couple feet down. Lady Gaga prepared to jump but I was terrified. She took my hand in hers and looked at me in determination. "3... 2... 1!" We both jumped on to the roof, closer to the edge then I'd like to admit. We continued to run until we reached a dead end. We begin to climb the wall to another roof. We get to the top with some mutual help and begin running again. I look behind me and see the guards catching up. "Don't look, just run!" Lady Gaga says to me. We continue to run until we see a vent. I open it up and take Lady Gaga's hand before jumping in. I hold my breath, but still manage to get a bit of sewer water in my mouth. We swim until we get to another opening. It had been left with no cover so we swam out and I used Lady Gaga's plastic knife to close the coverings. We then swam to the top, it being a big pond. We both exit the pond soaked and gasping for air. And then, she starts laughing. "Man that adrenaline rush was crazy!" She says to me. I'm a little weirded out at first, but then I laugh too. We sit there laughing for a bit, I even started tearing up. Man, the predicament we're in is crazy. I take her hand and we continue to run.

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