Chapter 3

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We got into our shared jail cell and she relaid her plan to me. I nod and we begin to prepare.

3:00AM: We wake up. We set a distraction in the next area over. 

3:15AM: Guards are distracted, it's go time. 

I take Lady Gaga's plastic butter knife she stole from the cafeteria and begin to try to cut the bars. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" I ask to her. It seems to be taking awhile while making little progress. "I've done it before. You just take your hand and-" She grabs my hand and shows me a more effective method. Her touch sends a shock through my body. I blush and follow her instructions. "And... there you go!" She lets go and we sneak out the window. I then help her by catching her when she falls. I look at her and she blushes. I let her down and look around. Shit-surrounded by guards, thank god we have a plan for this.

Jojo Siwa x Lady GagaWhere stories live. Discover now