Chapter 30 - School's Back

Start from the beginning

"They had no faces to show"

Was the message that James had gotten on his note. The picture had been of the two of us during the train ride home, but our faces had been scratched out.

"If you run, he will chase you" 

That was what my note had said. It had been a picture of me hurrying through the corridor, late for one of my classes. I knew exactly when the picture had been taken. I had been late after lunch because James had stopped in the corridor. We had been making out a bit and forgotten about the time. The note made it turn in my stomach. It seemed a little bit more of an insane type of threat. It was weird.

Do you think there is someone more we could cross out on our list?, James wondered. We were writing on a piece of parchment in between us. The list he was talking about was the list with names of possible helpers of the messenger.

No one has really showed any signs of being innocent, I answered on the paper. James nodded as an answer and I looked back at the two new messages. Why would the messenger change and decide to write those weird notes.

All of a sudden there was a noise from the back of the library. It made me jump while James' head whipped around towards the sound. With one quick look towards each other we picked up our things and put them in our book bags. Then we both knew what to do. We hurried towards where the sound had come from. As we reached the shelves we discovered something that I had already feared. No one was there, and the only thing left was a single, folded, piece of parchment.

"We should have been faster", James grumbled as he angrily picked up the paper from the floor. I didn't say anything because, frankly, I was feeling the same irritation that he was. James unfolded the note and held it infront of us.

"He will take you!"

I gulped and took a deep breath. It seemed pretty clear that the note was like a followup on the one James had received. This time there was no photo. There was only the message. A message that scared me. Who was he?


"Ms. Fraser, I suggest you pay attention during class", Susan Bones, my Muggle Studies teacher told me loudly while standing in front of me. She had been speaking about World War II, something I had already studied. I looked up at her in the nicest way I could.

"Of course, professor", I told her, even though even I could hear the lack of interest in my voice.

"If you do not find my lesson interesting you could enlighten me on what country was attacked the September 1st 1939", professor Bones spoke strictly, more strictly than I had ever heard her. I gave her a calm smile and felt good about knowing the answer.

"The would be Poland", I answered confidently. Professor Bones raised one eyebrow at me before moving on, while continuing explaining things about the war. I continued on with not listening.

The note that James and I had found the previous afternoon was bothering me. I just wanted to know who was writing the damn notes, and why, and who was helping the messenger. It was all too frustrating. Together with school, I was feeling the pressure getting to me.

"From what you all know about the war, is there any comparisons between World War II and the Second Wizarding War?", asked professor Bones. No one raised their arms. With a sigh I raised my own. Even though I wasn't invested in the lesson, I could answer to the question. One of the things troubling me was after all school.

"Yes, Ms. Fraser." I smiled and thought about where I should start. After little thought I decided on starting with the most obvious answer.

"Both wars had two power hungry dictators. Of course, a lot of people died. There's also the fact that certain people were targeted", I responded. Many of the other students looked at me with surprise. Others didn't even bother.

"That's quite right. Now I want all of you to write an essay on your thoughts about World War II. Class dismissed." As soon as the words had left professor Bones' mouth I was out of my seat. The restlessness inside of me was lethal. I had to do something, or I would go mad. I just knew it. As I raced through the corridors, with no intensions to go to class, I tried to think of the quietest place in the whole school. I knew that I needed to get away from the people. I needed to calm down, I needed to think. There were few places where I could do that. One of the places that I came up with seemed just perfect though. It was probably no people there, and it was high up. It was an open space where I wold get to breath some fresh air. A perfect place, really, to calm down. I headed towards the Astronomy tower. 

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