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Ryan was astonished by Liv's statements. His niece, Arabella, was in an asylum.

"What serious mental problem does she have to be in a place like that?" Ryan asked

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"What serious mental problem does she have to be in a place like that?" Ryan asked.

"Arabella was emotionally and psychologically abused by Fenton. Fenton's pals have also sexually abused her. As a result, Arabella suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder."

Liv continued, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and sadness.

"It's been a long and painful journey for Arabella. The emotional and psychological scars run deep, and it breaks my heart to see her suffer like this. She experiences intense mood swings, struggles with self-destructive behaviours, and has difficulty maintaining stable relationships."

Ryan listened attentively, his heart heavy with empathy for his niece.

"Damn!" Ryan said.

Liv continued explaining:

"Arabella is extremely intelligent, but she did not attend school. She studied at home with a teacher. As a result, she struggles with social skills. And now I'll tell you the worst, which is why she's in the asylum. She has hallucinations and is aggressive. She attacked ten people."

Ryan stayed silent, taking in what Liv was saying. Around him, the castle was attracting an increasing number of tourists. As he glanced at the oblivious tourists exploring the castle, he realized the stark contrast between their carefree experience and the harsh reality Liv had just revealed. Determined to support his niece, he resolved to learn more about her condition and explore every possible avenue for her recovery. Moreover, he was in his final year of medical school, specializing in psychiatry, and he hoped to use his newly gained knowledge to assist Arabella.

Liv grasped Ryan's hand and said:

"I know it's a lot of information to take in."

"Liv, I want to know more about my brother, and I want to visit Arabella," Ryan stated.

"I have the keys to Fenton's Dublin apartment. Perhaps you will find information that will help you get to know Fenton better. Regarding Arabella, the doctors will not allow you to visit her. I can only visit her once a week."

Ryan said:

"Give me the key. I am going to Dublin."

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