Page XIV: B&E

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They had stopped at a store where Tony bought a bunch, two trolleys worth of, absolute junk. Well, it was junk to [Y/N]. They spent the night at a motel, where Tony made equipment for himself since he didn't have his suit. He did offer to make [Y/N] something, but [Y/N] assured him that he didn't want anything.

Then they went to Miami, Florida. They followed the location that Jarvis had told them, ending up in some bougie-looking mansion. It could almost give Charles' school a run for its money. Almost. 

It was damn annoying to break into as well since they had guards and dogs practically everywhere. They had climbed over a wall, sticking to the bushes and shadows as they crept their way to the entrance. Making their way up a set of stairs, Tony took out one guy with his mechanics, while [Y/N] used brute force to take out the other; slamming their head into a stone wall. 

Further on, at a run-down fountain, Tony had thrown a little Christmas bulb toward two guards, one of whom mistakenly picked it up, having it explode in his face. The second started to shoot at them, but [Y/N] grabbed the barrel of the gun, aiming it away as he turned so his back was to the guy, using the arm he had held onto as vantage as he swung him over his back and into the fountain, Tony then throwing another explosive into the fountain with the guy as they headed inside.

The first thing they'd see as they entered the house was a girl lying on the table, seeming out of it. As they continued forward, they'd find two more people, who weren't sleeping on a table. 

"Why is it so hot in here? I told you to put it at 68." The girl complained, sprawled out across the couch. By the sounds of it, she was definitely on some substance. If [Y/N] had to guess, it was probably cocaine.

The guy across from her scoffed. "My fault again. Let me tell you something, sweetheart. I am not your personal air con..."  The guy was cut off as Tony slapped his gloved hand on his head, electrocuting him. The man groaning and the crackling of the electricity went on for a few seconds before Tony finally let go.

Cautiously, Tony reached for the gun on the table, took it, and pointed it at the girl, who made a finger gun back at Tony, only for him to make a shushing motion at her.

As they moved through the house, Tony took the lead since he had the gun. They made it into what looked to be a set room as if they filmed stuff here. What next concerned [Y/N] is that they found a bedroom around the corner, two bodies clearly under the sheets. 

Tony crept up to the bed, reaching his other hand out to the purple duvet, pulling it back quickly as he kept the gun aimed at it. Two girls, only in their lingerie, shot up with a gasp, looking between the two of them.

Before they or Tony could say anything, the sound of a toilet flushing had the two intruders quickly hiding behind the bed. "Well! I wouldn't go in there for twenty minutes." The guy laughed, and [Y/N] hoped to god that the smell wouldn't waft into the room. "Now, which one of you is Vanessa?" He asked, saying the name Vanessa quite strangely. One of the girls answered, to which he threw her something. "Ah! Nessie! Did you know that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?" [Y/N] didn't doubt for a second that the guy was on something. He must have been. 

One of the girls tried to rat them out, but the guy just talked over her. "They're made by Americans, based on a Japanese recipe." He continued to ramble.

Tony, who got bored of the rambling, stepped out from behind the bed while the guy's back was turned, [Y/N] following behind him. "Hey!" He called to get his attention, the guy swiftly turning, raising his hands as he saw the gun in Tony's hands. The guy muttered 'bloody hell' twice. "Don't move."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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