Page XIII: Road Trip

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They drove in silence until Tony pulled out the files while he was driving, using one hand to steer and the other to move the pages. He took out one page in particular before putting the file on [Y/N]'s lap, throwing the hat that was on the dashboard into the backseat. [Y/N] could hear him mutter 'Happy' whilst he sighed, rubbing his head. He glanced at the file again before doing a double take, reaching for it and flipping the sheet over, reading the company name, AIM.

Then he made a call, starting up with the most blizzard line as the person answered. "You ever have a chick straddling you and you look up and suddenly she's glowing from the inside out, kind of a bright orange?" Tony asked, getting a sarcastic 'yeah, I've had that' in response, then being asked who it was. [Y/N] would hate to know what people they were hooking up with if they were glowing bright orange. "It's me, pal. Now, last time I went missing, if I remember correctly, you came looking for me. What are you doing?" It seemed Tony got lost quite often; he'd hate to have to deal with Tony on a daily basis. He feels bad for Jarvis.

"A little knock-and-talk, making friends in Pakistan. What are you doing?" Tony had it on speaker so that both of them heard the conversation. [Y/N] had no idea who the other person was.

"Your redesign, your big rebrand—that was AIM, right?" Tony questioned, getting a confused 'yeah' in response, causing Tony to throw the file out of his hand. "I'm gonna find a heavy-duty comm sat right now; I need your login." Computer talk, horrifying to [Y/N]. He only survives with advanced coding and shit because of Hank. 

"It's the same as it's always been, 'WarMachine68'." The other guy answered, which Tony then asked for the password. "Well, look, I gotta change it every time you hack in, Tony." He didn't seem too happy about having to change his password a lot.

"It's not the '80s; nobody says 'hack' anymore. Give me your login." Tony reprimanded. That made [Y/N] wonder how old Tony was... Was he older than Tony? He hoped not. It'd make him feel like Logan—old as fuck.

The man on call was silent for a moment before answering defeatedly. "'War Machine Rox' with an 'X', all caps." Tony started to laugh at that, and [Y/N] cracked a little smile at how corny it was.

"That is so much better than 'Iron Patriot'," Tony commented before spinning the car for a U-turn, the tires screeching. [Y/N] was once again glad he did not get travel sickness.

They, eventually, made it to a place where the news was currently filming at. They snuck into one of the vans, and Tony immediately got to work, cracking open the laptop inside the van. He checked the ping and download speed, and it wasn't up to his standard, apparently.

The door to the van opened, and a cameraman on call with someone started to speak. "Excuse me, sir. I don't know who..." The guy trailed off as Tony spun around in the chair, making a shushing gesture at him, then smiling at him. "Mom, I need to call you back. Something magical is happening." The guy, clearly a fan of Tony's, ended the call with his mother, putting his phone away. "Tony Stark is in my van." He started to freak out, and [Y/N] recognized such behavior. 

Tony shushed the cameraman, denying that 'Tony Stark is in his van' thing, and the cameraman claimed that he knew Tony was still alive. "Come on in. Close the door." Tony whispered, the man listening, almost tripping while trying to climb into the van. Tony had to remind him to keep quiet.

"Wow... Can I just say, sir... I am your biggest fan." The cameraman was practically breathless, not even throwing a single glance to [Y/N], who was honestly glad about that.

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