Page IX: People of the Past

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That morning, when the jet was all repaired and ready to go, they had taken off towards Alkali Lake. The X-Men had gotten their uniforms on, and a few of them were a little jealous.

"Why don't we get uniforms?" Rogue asked, looking at one of the uniforms still in the case.

"Yeah, where's ours?" Bobby chimed in, the two of them looking over at Logan, who closed the case where his suit was.

"They're on order. Should arrive in a few years." Logan closed the case that Bobby and Rogue were looking at before going to sit down, not questioning [Y/N] who had been hiding around one of the corners, practically stalking Erik and Mystique.

Erik was laughing with Mystique, the two of them sitting at the end of the jet with John a few seats away from them. Rogue turned to look at them when she heard them, and once Erik stopped laughing, he looked back at her. "We love what you've done with your hair." He remarked. Though he couldn't say much since his hair was already white.

Rogue removed one of her gloves as if threatening the two older mutants. Bobby stopped her from doing anything she'd regret. Bobby moved her away from Erik and Mystique, who weren't one bit phased by such a threat.

"So," John was now trying to start up a conversation with the two of them. "They say you're the bad guy." John flicked his lighter open and closed repeatedly, as always.

"Is that what they say?" Erik, uninterested, replied. 

John nodded slowly before looking down at the worn, metallic red helmet sitting beside Erik. "That's a dorky-looking helmet. What's it for?" He commented, trying to find anything to start a conversation.

"This dorky-looking helmet is the only thing that's going to protect me from the real bad guys." He put emphasis on 'real' as if claiming he wasn't the bad guy in this. He uncrossed his arms and put his hand out, levitating John's lighter into his hand. "What's your name?"

John sat up when Erik took the lighter from him. "John," He answered, which got him a strange look from Erik, asking him what his real name was. John manipulated the fire from the lighter, moving it into the palm of his hand. "Pyro." 

"Quite a talent you have there, Pyro." Erik complimented him.

"I can only manipulate the fire." He closed his fist, extinguishing the flame. "I can't create it," John informed him, looking up at the older mutant.

"You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you anything different." Erik put his hand out, giving John back his lighter. [Y/N], who was eavesdropping on the whole thing, slowly made his way back to his seat before he could get caught.

Later, when the jet safely landed not far from Alkali Lake, they all gathered around to hear the plan. The room was practically divided into two groups: Erik and Mystique on one side, and the rest on the other. 

"All right, this is a topographic map of the dam. This is the spillway." Storm was guiding them through the plan. She clicked a button and the topographic map changed "You see these density changes in the terrain? They're tyre tracks." Another click, and the map changed. 

"That's the entrance." Logan added, getting an 'mhm' from Storm.

"And this shows the depth of the ice that's covering the ground. Now, this is recent water activity." As she spoke, the topographic map changed as well.

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