Chapter 1

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-Rin, ayo, wake up! - she heard above her head.
She quickly lifts her head up. Oh hell no... she slept at school again. Her hazel eyes quickly recognized the situation. Oh man... history? From all of subjects history?? She driffted to sleep on the most strict teacher's, Yang-sensei, lesson. She looked up, praying the words she had heard, didn't belong to teacher. Luckily it was just Miki - her friend who was sitting at the schoold desk behind her. Maybe she was even best friend, who knows...

 -Rin, you sleeping beauty! - Miki gently shook her shoulder to wake her up more - It's been a break since 5 minutes!  Rin quickly got up from the chair.

 -N-Nani? A break? But I have just... -she wiped her eyes, her tone was sleepy and quiet.  Miki laughed and hugged sleepyhead.

 -Rin, Rin, Rin... you sleepyhead! -she pat her head, but immediately stopped, as she felt Rin tensing up in her embrace.  -You're all exhausted today... Let me guess... No portion of caffeine today? - she winked, hoping that slight joke will make Rin relax. Indeed, Rin's lips slowly curled up into a  small smile. She wasn't addicted to coffee, coffee was in her lungs. She loved it since she attended secondary. When she had time she was going to study in the cafe with any kind of coffee. Miki knew it well, cause she was her study buddy in that kind of situation. That's why all the jokes about her sleepiness were around lack of coffee, which was kinda cute of her.

- No no... I had two coffies - she replied - but I couldn't help but fall asleep...

- Honestly, I admire you - Miki cut her sentence - I would rather eat the spiciest noodles ever than sleep at Yang's lesson... You're so brave! -she hugged her again, more tightly than last time. Rin began to felt a tiny lack of air, but she didn't move her firend away. Miki was honest one atleast...

- Moving on... -Miki lowered her tone- The newbie is looking at you... -Miki let go off Rin and pointed the group of boys at the other side of classroom. That was the place where "newbie" was standing. He was the highest of the whole class, with dark hair and very very blue eyes. And his smile... so warm and delicate...

-Rin! - Miki nudged her - He likes you! ... He keeps staring at you since he joined our class! ... aand I feel his feelings are mutual... -she gave her a teasing wink.

-M-Miki -chan! - Rin nudged her back - I-it's not like that! I... I just.... like his... kidness... - she looks down at the top of her shoes.

-Mhmmm... Kidness huh? - Miki muttered visibily amused by the whole situation. She began to talk about it to Rin, but she didn't listen, cause her thoughts were in a diffrent place then. She was thinking about the day when the newbie joined the class. How long it was? One month?At first she didn't pay much attention to him, but then... She got lost in a flashback. That day, she was laughing geniuely for the first time in a long period of time. She wasn't thinking about the bruise covered with her bangs and layer of concealer, about the sleepless night full of crying, writing in a dairy and leaving marks on her wrists... Her laugh was trurly happy and not fake, and that's what mattered! And then she felt the stare of those blue eyes on her, the stare full of warmth and care. She looked at him, his face was stoic, but his eyes... theynwere literally smiling at her. At that glimpse pf second she forgot about her wrists, her parents, the whole world... She didn't even notice when he stepped to her. He was much taller than her, his hair was cut in an artsy yet modern way. And when he smiled, she recognizes that guy in him...

- O-ohayo... -she speaks quietly. As soon as that tiny word came from her mouth, sue invisibly panicked. What if he is gonna laugh at her? What if he will walk away? What if he...

- Yo- that one word was eniugh to make her escape from overthinking. Her eyes met his and she couldn't help but smile. - I suppouse we met... but let's make it official this time - he extanded his hand - Ryota Ichigo, but call me Ryota.

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