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Tokyo is loud... Much louder than I thought... Even though I'm in my headphones, I still hear all those noises. I hate loud noises, they make me feel so small, so vulnerable. 

-Ryota? Doing okay there son? - I heard my father's voice.

- Huh? Oh um, yeah... everything fine - I muted the music for a second - Doing fine, and you? - I smiled at him.

- Yeah, me too - he gave me a warm smile - I know it might be hard for you, but I'm always there to support you - he pats my shoulder - And remember that I'm always proud of you, no matter what...

I smiled at him, he was trying his best to cheer me up, cause he knows very well that I hate meeting new things. 

- Love you Otosan... - I smiled at him.

- Love you too, my son - he gently hugs me, I gently hugged him back. The limo slowed down, it seems we finally arrived.

- Haruto, are we on place? - my dad asked the driver.

- Yes, Ichigo-sama - Haruto anwsered.

I sighed. My first apartment in Tokyo. It's gonna be interesting... We got off the limo, and Haruto took my luggage. The skyscraper was huge but not as big as the ones my father owns. I took a deep breath and walked in. 

- Your apartment is on the highest floor - my father muttered to me - you're gonna have a view at the whole city, just imagine how good it will look at night!

- Yeah... - I nodded faintly - Great...

I walked into the apartment. It was modern, very modern. It had a huge windows with mesmerising views behind them. When I saw them, I began to think that it wouldn't maybe be that bad living here, but then I scolded myself in thoughts... "Are you stupid, Ryota? This place is new, full of people... you will have to socialize" Oh, yeah, that was enough to make me grimace. Socialazing... why the fuck people invent it...? Why should I feel awkward while asking others for their name, house, family and all those shity official stuff... Why can't I handle things alone? I don't need to socialize... I honestly hate it... Yeah, yeah I know I'm an "emo loner"... but I don't give a damn... It's my life, goddamn!

With those thoughts I left the apartment with the luggage unpacked and I said goodbye to my father.

- Phone me... And don't you dare think I ignore you if I don't pick up - he hugged me - You're my... - his voice shaked - ... only son.. who... l-lived...

- Shhh.... I know, Otosan... - I hugged him back - I will do well... You have my words... - I grinned - Your big son is ready for living alone... 

My father was always there for me, like always. We were each other's buddys and partners in crime. When I was a kid he was reading me fairytales and cooking the best Chicken Karaage ever. When my twin brother died, we became even closer to each other. He was giving up on his work only to be there for me and mother. He was overworking himself for our good, and he succeeded. My dad was my bestfriend and I wasn't ashamed of that. It was an honour to be buddy with somebody like him. He was so cool and badass. I remember that in the kindergarten when the teacher wanted us to tell who do we want to be in the future, I said "my dad". To be honest... I wouldn't be ashamed if it actually happened.

Father kept hugging me for a while, then let go.

- T-take care of yourself... please... - he smiled.

- Everytime - I winked and walked him to limo.

- Phone, text and...

- And facetime, yeah I know Otosan - I smiled at him, poor man, he is too concerned. That concerned that it doesn't suit how he is at his work normally. He nods at me and smiles, calling me his boy again. Then waved at me and rode back to his manor. I looked at the car leaving my eyesight, and I decided to walk back to my apartment and get myself ready for night. When I turned around, I felt somebody bumping on me. I looked down. It was a girl, probably in my age, she was short and thin, her dark hair were put up by a hairpin. 

- G-Gomen'nasai! - I heard a soft, shy voice. And when I saw her eyes and apologizing smile... that was it... Grey as smoke eyes, and a shy spark in them...

- Huh... um... n-no, no it's okay... - I smiled at her - There is no point of feeling... a-awkard or ashamed.... i-it happens sometimes, I hope youre not embarassed, cause I'm not- oh goddd, what I'm saying, I thought. I acted not like myself, but when I saw her smile I couldn't help but melt.

- N-no... It's fine for me too... - she smiles tiny , and speaks quieter - You're... very well behaved. Thanks for not being offended.

-Sure - I smiled warmly.

- You have a beautiful smile... - she look at me, hoping I will tell my name.

- ...Ryota - for the first time in my life I didn't hestitate to tell somebody my name. I extanded my hand.

- Rin - she smiles and very gently took my hand in hers, as no one had never done. 

She gave me a small smile, and then, in that exact second, the world stopped for me. And I knew this girl became the most precious person for me.

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