Haejo pointed out, "It's not even Valentine's Day yet, and you're already in such a sour mood." In response, I rolled my eyes at her remark, considering it to be foolish.

I cast a quick glance at Park Jinsung, who gradually rose to his feet and brushed off his uniform. He then made his way towards the school building, where only a few students lingered outside as most had already returned to their classrooms.

Choi Ji-ho enthusiastically beckoned Haejo and Haeyang, shouting, "Come on, let's go!" He waved his hand, signaling for us to join him and the rest of the group.

Haejo couldn't help but chuckle at Ji-ho's enthusiastic yelling. She found it endearing and proceeded to walk towards Choi Ji-ho and Eun-yeo, with Yang Haeyang following closely behind.

Despite my ongoing efforts, I haven't fully comprehended the intricacies of this world. However, I have managed to gather fragments of understanding. There is a phenomenon known as 'edeya' that manifests in mysterious ways. It is somehow connected to my name, the personality I assume, and the physical body I inhabit.

However, I am currently facing a significant obstacle in understanding how to tap into the full potential of my edeya. It is believed that I possess a potent edeya, likely because a repugnant teacher had manipulated Yang Haeyang as a mere tool in the past. The original Yang Haeyang seems to have been unaware of this connection and unable to unravel its significance. 'This sucks.'

As I trailed behind them, my mind was filled with contemplation about the events that had unfolded throughout the day. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the previous version of Yang Haeyang and myself. It seemed that both he and I desired a peaceful and tranquil life. Reflecting on it now, I realized that while Yang Haeyang and I bore a resemblance, there were also distinct differences. I had visible bruises on my body and a scar on my hand from an accident, along with variations in hair color, eye color, and hairstyle in my own original body, yet now there aren't any of them in this body. "Though, this body is very pale and somewhat looking like a sick person."

Eun-yeo inquired if Yang Haeyang had said something, which brought me back from my reverie."Did you say something?"
I quickly regained my composure and shook my head in response. "No, nothing," I replied.

With a soft exhale, I settled back into my seat by the window at the rear of the other seats. As the sun began its descent, there was one thought that occupied my mind. 'Where does Yang Haeyang live?'

I emitted a slight groan and proceeded to focus on my own affairs, disregarding the teacher's announcement. My gaze wandered out the window, and my thoughts drifted towards the whereabouts of Yang Haeyang's house.

Engrossed in my own thoughts, I was abruptly interrupted when a piece of chalk was flung towards me, striking my head. Startled, I shifted my focus towards the front of the room, where I noticed the teacher responsible for the action. "Pay attention to my announcements, Yang Haeyang," the teacher admonished, provoking annoyance within me due to their disrespectful behavior.

With a frustrated sigh, I let out an exasperated groan and forcefully broke the chalk in half, tossing the pieces out of the window. Eun-yeo, having grown accustomed to my outbursts, showed no surprise at this latest display of annoyance.

After the teacher dismissed us, they entrusted the responsibility of cleaning the designated areas in the classroom and corridor to me, Choi Ji-ho, and Haejo. Before leaving, I quickly grabbed my sling bag and double-checked to ensure that I hadn't forgotten anything. Choi Ji-ho, who was also assigned to cleaning duty, remained in the classroom along with Haejo.

As I briskly made my way down the hallway, eager to reach home, I suddenly halted in the middle of the corridor. In that moment, I unintentionally collided with a group of upperclassmen. One of them, clearly annoyed, exclaimed, "Pay attention!" In response, I shot them a piercing glare that immediately silenced their complaint.

Upon realizing my identity, the upperclassman exclaimed, "Oh, it's you, Yang Haeyang... Pay closer attention next time." They quickly walked away, leaving me to express my annoyance with a groan.

I let out a sigh as I descended the stairs, only to be greeted by a sudden downpour. Frustration welled up within me as I reflected on the whirlwind of events that had unfolded throughout the day. Meeting new people, being in a school environment despite having dropped out before, and inhabiting a body that mirrored my own yet felt distinctively different. It was as if my personality had been transplanted into this new vessel, presenting a perplexing juxtaposition.

Adding to the complexity of my situation, there was also a striking resemblance to Park Jinsung, a beloved character from the webnovel "My School Life Pretending to be Worthless." This captivating story had become a cherished pastime for me, often captivating my attention during weekends and even at work, occasionally causing me to unintentionally neglect the presence of customers.

Adding to my growing list of concerns, I now faced another problem: the question of where Yang Haeyang resided.

As each student passed by me, they all departed into the rain, fortunate enough to have brought an umbrella along. Letting out a sigh, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy.

"Sunbae-nim, you're still here," a familiar voice called out, causing me to raise my gaze and find none other than Park Jinsung himself, holding an umbrella in his hand.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Park Jinsung inquired, leading me to release a sigh and shake my head in reply. "No, I'm not waiting for anyone," I answered.

As I listened to the rhythmic pitter-pattering of the rain and the footsteps of fellow students passing by, Park Jinsung inquired if I was patiently waiting for the rain to subside. "Are you waiting for the rain to subside?"

"I don't have an umbrella, I forgot to bring one," I replied, my gaze fixed on the rain that was gradually intensifying. It seemed that the rain would persist for quite a while.

"Then... Would you like to share mine?" Park Jinsung proposed to Yang Haeyang, causing me to look at him in astonishment. Park Jinsung noticed my surprised expression and responded with both his eyes closed and a smile.

I found myself in a state of uncertainty, unable to decide how to respond. It was a frustrating feeling, and I couldn't quite pinpoint the reason behind my hesitation. Park Jinsung, sensing my inner conflict, playfully hummed and interjected, "Having second thoughts, sunbae-nim? Don't worry, I won't bite." His teasing tone added a touch of lightheartedness to the situation.

That remark managed to irk me, even though I refused to acknowledge it. Annoyed, I attempted to kick him on the knees, but he skillfully evaded my attack. I rolled my eyes at his agile dodge, while Park Jinsung simply responded with a good-natured smile.

Eun-yeo observed the unfolding scene in front of her, where Yang Haeyang and Park Jinsung were engaged in a conversation. Although she couldn't hear their dialogue, it appeared that Park Jinsung, the F-rank, was playfully teasing Yang Haeyang. The atmosphere seemed light-hearted, and Eun-yeo couldn't help but wonder what they were discussing.

Eun-yeo couldn't help but let out a small gasp of surprise as she witnessed Yang Haeyang and Park Jinsung departing from the campus together, sharing an umbrella. She found this unexpected turn of events quite surprising and couldn't help but comment, "Well, that's certainly unexpected..."

From a distance, Eun-yeo observed Park Jinsung persistently teasing Yang Haeyang, who responded with aggressive words. Surprisingly, Park Jinsung seemed unfazed by Yang Haeyang's retorts and didn't take them personally.

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