Chapter 19: Comfort

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"Oh, c'mon, Aunt Thalia!" Tom whined.

Thalia laughed. "No. It's your bedtime."

He crossed his arms and huffed. "I'm eleven! I can stay up until nine!"

Thalia shook her head. "Nope. Sorry, mister, but your dad's are out on a date, and they specifically said for you to go to bed at eight."

"I wish I knew how to use my powers," Tom grumbled, sinking into the couch.

Thalia laughed. "I know. But Percy said there's gonna be a surprise for you tomorrow."

Tom immediately perked up. "A surprise? What is it?"

"Pfh, I can't spoil it," Thalia said.

"Please, Aunt Thalia!" Tom whined, clasping his hands together as if to beg.

Thalia sighed. "Fine. They're planning on throwing a party for a really, really old holiday."

"Which one?" Tom asked excitedly.

Percy woke up slowly, his body not wanting to accept what had happened. But, of course, it did.

He stared at the ceiling for a while. What time was it? Did it matter? He was 4 lovers in, and had 3 left. Easy... right? Of course not. And judging by the state he was in, he wasn't sure if he would be able to last the rest. On the other side of the room, a man materialized. He quietly walked to the side of the bed and looked down at his lover.

"Percy," he said softly.

Percy stared up into the breathtaking eyes of Eros. "Please don't say it's time for you to -"

"No, no," Eros said. "I wanted to see you. Do you want me to -"

"Chaos, yes," Percy said, lifting his hand towards Eros. "Please."

Eros smiled and grabbed Percy's hand. They both blinked out of existence, leaving behind an empty room.

They reappeared in Eros's room, his dimension. Percy sighed in relief, and his eyes fell upon the two figures sitting on the bed.

He approached it, staring at the two men with tears in his eyes. "Chaos, I love you all."

Ouranus and Tartarus smiled back at him. Tartarus reached forward and grabbed him, pulling him up onto the bed. Eros followed behind him, and before Percy could react, he was sandwiched between the three men.

Tears began to flow down his face as he buried it in Tartarus's chest. Three pairs of strong, reassuring arms wrapped around him, comforting him silently.

Because right now? He didn't need to talk. He just needed his lovers and their silent comfort.

So that's what he got. For the next who knows how long, he simply sat on the bed sandwiched between them. Occasionally, they'd draw circles on his back, or give him a kiss, or play with his hair, but they did it all silently.

And in their reassuring embrace, Percy fell asleep.
Annabeth sat back down at the table. "Alright, he's in bed."

Jason handed her a box. "We, uh, finished our food before you got back," he said apologetically.

Annabeth shrugged and piled her food into it. "That's fine. It's mainly what I came back for anyway."

"Should we talk about what just happened?" Piper asked.

"I'd rather not," Annabeth said. "It was pretty self-explanatory."

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