"How are you? Have you rest well enough?" He asked her... Dae tried not to wipe her lips with her hand.

"Yes I did your grace. I just came by to say hello... She looks behind her to see her father and the princess standing by the opened door. It looks like they didn't close it... The princess was giving her look... A look she could not decipher, but it was the look of her father the frightened her more. She looks back at the king.

" Would you... Require me tonight.... at your bed?" The king smiles at her questions, but she prayed to whoever Gods is there that is listening for the king not to require her for tonight.

" As much as I want my dear... There is a tradition that I must spent the next night with the queen." Dae was relieved... She's so relieved that she could cry at that moment.

"It's ok..." She looks behind her again to see if her father was still listening. He was still their... But the princess was gone, was she mad?

"Anyway, If you would please excuse me... I would like to catch up with my father and my brothers." The king did not hesitate to let her go, once outside her father offered his arm for her to take and together they walked to where his assigned room is... She ordered Neviska to wait for her outside his room while they talk inside. Once the door of their room was closed, her father had let go of his false bravado.

"You did well." Her father spoke as he walks towards the window. Her brother sat by the sofa and picked out his cigar.

"I thought you wouldn't do it... Knowing your frightful attitude I thought you would have made a fuss." Dae remained standing, he wasn't done yet... She knows that he isn't satisfied yet, he was pleased yes... But not satisfied.

"But tell me daughter of mine... Why are his concubines still walking and complete?" She swallowed, remembering the Vial her father had given her.

"I... I still couldn't find a chance to do it father, I wasn't still allowed inside the harem." She explained to him, not meeting his eyes.

"You would do it right?" He asked as he towers above her. Dae nods her head.

"Good, then... I am expecting a spectacle by the end of the month." That fast? Dae doesn't know if she could do it that fast, but knowing her father, if she said she can't do it... He would end up beating her within inch of her life. So instead she nods.

"Very well... Let us continue this conversation tomorrow." He stated dismissing her, Dae said her goodnight, but before leaving she cast Marcus one last glance, he was still staring at her like she was something... Interesting, it was like a predator making eye contact with a prey... But Dae didn't dwell into to much thought regarding him... All she knows is she has to leave. Once outside the room Neviska quickly approached her.

"My lady... The princess requested you go to her room this instant... She told me to tell you she won't be taking no for an answer." Of course... She almost forgot about the princess.

She knocks twice before opening the door of the princess room... She was standing by the window, the room was dimly lit, the only source of light was the hearth. And the room of the princess smells different, a kind scent that is sweet and warm.

"How are you lady Dae?" The princess asked, before pulling the curtain close... She swallowed, why does it felt so hot in the room? Was it because of the windows being closed?

"I'm fine your highness." She answered without meeting her eyes, she felt ashamed, after all the princess was their to witness as she and the king consummated their wedding. And she was their to seek how she Chickened out of it. How she begged for her to help her... She must have looked so stupid.

The Concubine (Final Version)Where stories live. Discover now