Chapter 3: Friends on the Line

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April 25 2018,

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April 25 2018,

"Priya!" came a shout from Dad, and with that, I woke up. The clock showed 8:00 am, the soft morning light making its way through the white curtains. Dad was shouting my name repeatedly, so I quickly got out of bed and started running to the hall from the first floor. Just then, I heard footsteps from the second floor. It was him. He was looking down, and I was looking up, glancing at each other as we slowly descended the stairs. Time seemed to slow. It was as if our souls were engaged in a silent ballet; it felt like our eyes were communicating. I used to find it amusing when people said that eyes speak a lot, but now I realize it's true. When his gaze remained on me, I lowered my head. When you're secretly in love with someone, two fears always haunt you: first, that your actions might reveal your feelings, and second, the fear that they might love someone else.

After about a minute, I reached the hall. He approached, and I could sense that he was staring at me intently. It was bothering me, and I found myself unable to focus on what I was saying to Dad. It's crazy; when he doesn't look at me, I want him to, and when he does, I feel like I want to hide somewhere. This guy is driving me crazy.

Then suddenly, I noticed my attire. I had come straight from bed, so my hair was messy, and my pants didn't match my top. My top was oversized. Unlike me, he was fresh and neat, wearing a sky blue T-shirt with long white sleeves. As quickly as I could, I spoke with Dad and hurried back to my bedroom. As I was entering my room, he kept staring at me. I closed my bedroom door and wondered what was wrong with him. He had never stared at me like that before, maybe because of my attire, but there were summers when he saw me even worse dressed. There were days when we used to just play, not paying attention to beauty, cleanliness, and being well-dressed at all. This feelings changed everything, I guess.

Standing in front of the mirror with a worried expression, I thought to myself that I shouldn't have gone downstairs like this. I screamed at myself, asking, "Why, God, why?" And then there's this magic he has. Whenever his eyes meet mine or whenever I find myself in his presence, it's as if I'm under a spell. I become completely captivated by him, losing track of time and actions. And yet, once his gaze shifts away from me or I step out of his sphere of influence, I'm flooded with recollections of my behavior. It's perplexing. Why does he hold such power over me? Why does he affect me unlike anyone else?

 Why does he hold such power over me? Why does he affect me unlike anyone else?

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A ringtone popped up on my phone, it's Ravisha calling.

"That's what friends are for, right? They know just when to call, especially when you're troubled and your mind's spinning out of control. With their chatter, they make everything feel alright."

It's Ravisha on the line, with Arinjay and Mayank's voices humming in the background. "What? You three are all together, leaving me out? Not fair," I grumbled. Mayank cut in, "This is how it goes. We waited for these holidays forever, but it's not how we planned. 

Ravisha's parents are fighting, my dad's pushing me into endless computer classes, and Arinjay is just here to keep us sane. So, we're chilling at my grandparents' place, putting family drama aside, living it up on the farm. Don't worry, next week we'll tear up Goa together. That's us, but why is Ravisha sounding so frustrated?"

Ravisha sighed, "Remember when we last hung out and played truth or dare? Well, my dare's still pending. Mayank pulled it out and dared me to go on a coffee date with his cousin."

Ravisha, you went on a date? That's awesome! So, how'd it go?" I asked, genuinely intrigued.

He's a total jerk," she spat. "He started bragging about his travels, showing off pictures and asking if I wanted to go. I said yes, and then he just assumed he could take me there. You know, flaunting his cash and hinting at sleeping together like some entitled idiot. Ugh, this is why I'm done with guys. When we want them to open up their hearts, they're only after one thing. Yeah, he's a total jerk, Ravisha. Who talks about taking you places on the first date, acting like they know you inside out?

Believe me, Ravisha, you'll see how we're going to teach him a lesson," said Mayank confidently. Then Arinjay inquired, "How about you? How are things going? Have you confessed your feelings to Tristan?"

I want to tell him," I sighed, "but my mind is filled with 'what if' questions. Most of the time, I feel like I'm not good enough for him in many ways.

In a unified chorus, Arinjay, Mayank, and Ravisha all spoke at once, We are not going to listen to anything less about our friend. Stop it. You're incredibly special, and Tristan would be a fool to miss out on you. Tell him your feelings," Mayank urged. "Otherwise, there's a chance he'll be with someone else, and then it'll be too late. Bottling up those emotions will only cause you pain down the line.

Arinjay chimed in, "Why downplay yourself? You deserve the world! Stop overthinking and just tell him."

Despite my trust issues with love and boys, I want my friend to be happy," Ravisha confessed. "So, you're going to tell him. If not, I'll be there personally to make sure you do."

You guys, thank you.

Alright, keep us updated! We're cheering you on every step of the way.

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