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Authors note:

So much is revealed in this chapter!

I hope you guys enjoy!

Also please let me know what you think so far of this book :)

Chapter 5

"So what you're saying is that an ancient magic was holding me down there?" I questioned hermione. Harry had brought me to a secluded part of the library where we met with Ron and Hermione.

"Yes, and I only thought of it because I had exhausted every other book possible. Until I had looked in the restricted section and came across a book on ancient magic" she replied, moving the old leather bound book towards me. There on the pages lay diagrams, spells, and much more. All unrecognizable compared to what is used today.

"There's more as well Emry. We never considered your bloodline and your ancestry" Harry stated.

I sighed, "I think not of my bloodline, those things never were important to me".

"We get that Emry, but do you know of your own lineage? The importance your name holds?" Hermione had asked. I took a second to think. I knew my family was a long line of powerful witches and wizards, but I have never actually looked to much into it nor have asked my parents. I just assumed the Osiris family was just another pure blood family as was the malfoys and lestranges.

"I'm afraid I know nothing more than it's a long line of pure bloods. My mother and father made it a point to never truly bring it up now that I look back on things" I honestly replied. Hermione turned some pages on the book infront of me to reveal a tree. A tree with names scripted within it.

"These are the names of the original families. They were known at the original 12. The first magical beings to have harnessed ancient magic and evolve it to what we have now in common magical society". I grabbed the book to really loo and observe it.

"Look here at the tree trunk. See how it says 'ley lines' ? That is magic that's flows through and around the earth that people had no access too, until the original 12 figured out how to access it" I brushed my fingers upon the 12 names on the tree. Osiris being one of the names scribed upon the tree. I looked up at the trio in front of me confused.

"I don't understand. How does this correlate to my unfortunate situation?" I inquired. While learning a bit about my family's heritage was interesting, I was still confused.

"You have ancient magic flowing through you, which is what we assume is what activated your stasis. Here, look at this page," Harry said, flipping through the pages before landing on one, "according to this, the stasis bubble you were in was a disruption in the ley line, that the disruption nestled you in space and time".

Harry had paused to think but continued on, "We run into a problem with this theory though. It says here that it is not possible for a person possessing ancient magic to put them self in this situation, just that a person with ancient magic can be put in that position by anyone" Harry said. So much information and so little of it made sense.

"So someone had to have known about me to have done this. Someone with powerful magic" I trailed on. But who?

"Who do we know that possesses that kind of power and that could possibly know about who I am? I barely know about my ancestry and this 'ancient power'. I'm not even sure what this ancient power is or does".

"What about He-who-must-not-be-named? He's one of the most wicked wizards I know" Ron pipped in.

"It could be possible that Voldemort would have done this. But how would he have known and have gotten into the school?" Harry added.

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