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Authors note:

Everything is coming together! Tensions are rising, and the dumbledore slander is coming in hot!

Thank you guys so much for the reads, votes, and comments! Please be sure to share this story with your friends if you're enjoying it!!

Chapter 9

"What do you mean they're going to be here?" I questioned frantically. Draco had woken me from my sleep with alarming news. I was now out of bed, in my pajamas.

Last nights dream was still fresh in my mind. I wanted to go back to sleep so I could continue taking with Osiris.

"Father says it's the only way to calm down the ministry and the headmaster. I guess 2 students leaving through a un registered floo network caused some issues. But don't worry, my father tells me he's going to argue to the fact that it was a life or death situation" he assured me. I could feel my heart beating fast. I started pacing around the room.

"You don't understand Draco, Dumbledore did something really bad to me and plans on using me to gain power" I trembled. He grabbed my hand.

They were warm and comforting.

"And I promise to keep you safe Emry. But you gotta tell me something though, something that will give me an idea of what I'm working with. What did dumbledore do?" He asked.

I thought for a moment what was safe to reveal. How much could I really tell him? I've really only met him a few days ago and now he's making me promises of protection. I realize what he's doing is self serving as he has plans to 'unite our families', but if he's anything like his father, I could trust his word. I only needed to tell him enough to afford his protection.

"I- I can't tell you everything right now, but... I posses an ancient power that dumbledore wishes to use and control. He's planning something and I wish not to find out what it is".

"How did you get this power?" Draco asked.

"It's passed down through the Osiris bloodline" I answered. I thought back again to my dream last night with Osiris. I now knew my true power.

"Emry, you must talk to my father about this. Like I said, he has a good amount of pull at the Ministry. If dumbledore is trying to hurt one of his students, he can get him thrown in azkaban" I nodded. He was right. There were institutions and laws in place to Keep me safe.

After I had thrown some clothes on, Draco and I found ourselves outside of Lucius' study. Our ears were pressed to the cold wooden doors as we heard him arguing with who we could assume was dumbledore.

"You had no right to take her Lucius. She needs to stay at Hogwarts" I heard Albus say. His voice gave me shivers.

"From the sounds of it, you had her prisoner there for whatever schemes you had planned!" Lucius loudly replied.

I could hear dumbledore chuckle, "I don't know what that girl has been filling your head with, but I have her at Hogwarts for her own protection. Just let me take her back and we can forget this whole thing never happened".

"You know I can't do that Albus. Emry is under my care. She will be staying with me until I know she's safe". I could feel my heart skip a beat. I may not get to be with him in this lifetime, but I felt comfort knowing he was still going to look after me.

"And what does your wife think, hmm? Having her around, I'm sure it's causing some issues with her, opening up old wounds, does it not?" I rolled my eyes. I could care less about Narcissa and her stupid feelings.

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