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Akane: "..." It did surprise her that Kazuichi was aware of his idiocy, and he believed that he needed to be the one to fix his relationship with Sonia.

During their talk, Akane and Kazuichi kept moving. The only time they stopped moving was when they had to look around a corner and see if the coast was clear. With the information Kazuichi told Akane, it was believed that they somehow ended up in Towa City. It was located on an island off the coast of Japan, almost similar to Jabberwock Island, but Jabberwock Island was much further away. They still don't know how they got here, but now they have a possible culprit behind all this. The Warriors of Hope.

Kazuichi: "Let's keep moving, I'm sure we'll find something useful if we just keep our eyes peeled." Thanks to her amazing hearing, Akane heard a noise coming from above her. When she looked up, she saw a piece of debris falling from the top of a building. With little time to act, Akane immediately grabbed the back of Kazuichi's jumpsuit and pulled him towards her. The debris fell right where Kazuichi was standing, and he would've been hit if Akane didn't move him out of the way. "Holy shit!"

Akane: "That was way too close." Focusing her attention on the building where the debris came from, Akane got a quick glimpse of someone standing by the edge of the roof. This person must've been watching her and Kazuichi talk, but while watching, they must've accidentally stood on a piece of loose debris, which is what caused it to fall. "Hey! Who the hell are you!?" Sadly, she didn't get a response. The figure disappeared right after Akane demanded them to present themselves. The very idea of being watched just made her angry. "Dammit."

Kazuichi: "Look, let's just focus on finding a safe place to hide. If that weirdo did that by accident, then I guess they aren't gonna attack us. But if that was intentional, that would be a different story." While looking back at Akane, Kazuichi didn't see a certain black and white machine appearing in front of him.

Akane: "We really need to be more careful, or else we'll be-" Her focus was on that individual she briefly saw, but once she looked ahead of her and saw that machine, she was immediately shocked. "L-Look out!"

Kazuichi: "Huh?" When Kazuichi finally turned back around, he saw a Monokuma bot leaping into the air. The Ultimate Mechanic's expression showed that he was terrified, which was understandable. "AAHH!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!?" Once again saving him, Akane tackled him to the ground. The Monokuma bot went over them and collided with a dumpster. "W-What the heck was that!?"

Akane: "No time to explain, we need to run!" After tackling him again, Akane found herself landing on top of Kazuichi, she was laying on his back while he landed on his stomach. But after saying that they needed to leave, Akane quickly got up and grabbed Kazuichi's arm. She pulled him along while running down the alley, hoping that the Monokuma bot wasn't following them. "That debris falling must've made too much noise."

Kazuichi: "Forget that debris, tell me why I was almost killed by a giant Monokuma!"

Akane: "Those things are everywhere. I saw some of them before running into you, and I watched as they ripped someone apart."

Kazuichi: "Seriously!? So you're saying that if we get caught by these things, then-" He stopped talking once he saw what was in front of him. He and Akane stopped dead in their tracks after leaving the alley, and the thing that stopped them... was a bunch of Monokuma bots. Akane and Kazuichi were now standing in the middle of a street, and these machines were surrounding them.

Akane: "...They could kill us."


The image of Ryota and the Ultimate Imposter's hanging bodies easily made a permanent home in Sonia and Fuyuhiko's memories. As depressed as they felt, they needed to keep moving. In Fuyuhiko's case, he was still worried that Mahiru and Hiyoko were still looking for him. But in Sonia's case, believing Fuyuhiko was a difficult thing to do right now. When you're told that your friends are dangerous without much prove, can you really believe it?

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