Chapter 18. Year 4. Amely.

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"AMELY!" I hear. I turn to see who said my name. I see Auston walking towards me with his hands in his pockets. I hate when boys do that, I can't look at their hands then. And yes, I'm one of those girls who is obsessed with hands. When the hands are appealing at least. How can I tell their appealing, you ask? Great question!

The veins in their hands are nice and prominent, they have long fingers that are clad in rings and some times random rubber bands or leather bracelets, and last, but certainly not least, their big. My best friend from America, Kaydence, had a saying. Big hands, big dick. She said she's never been proven wrong. 

"Hey Auston!" I giggle as he sits down next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, I feel a tad bit uncomfortable. He kisses the side of my head, not helping with the nauseating feeling I have in my stomach.

"So what are you guys all doing?" he says to the rest of the group.

"Nothing that concerns you Manchester" Draco spits. He abruptly stands, causing me to stand, and grabs my arm and drags me across the table. He sits down before I fall off, making me to fall in his lap. He lifts me up slightly so I am sitting on his knee. 

This all happens in a span of five seconds. Auston is sitting with a perplexed expression and I'm sure my is the same. 

"Mate, what are you doing?" Blaise asks as he has his fork dangling in mid air, he was about take a bite of his peas. 

"I'd like the answer to that too!" I squeak, seven octaves higher than usual. On of Draco's hands come to rest on my waist as the other reaches for my plate and slides it over as well.

"Open" he tells me as he stabs a piece of brisket with is fork. He puts the fork up near my mouth. I open my mouth suspiciously. He puts the brisket into my mouth as I slide it off the fork with my teeth. 

He stabs into his own brisket and eats a bite before stabbing into mine again. As soon as I finish eating he puts the fork up near my mouth, I open it again. 

At this point the whole school is looking at us, I turn a bright pink once I notice. I look down at my lap in embarrassment. 

"Draco" I whisper. He stops feeding us both and rest his head against my shoulder. 

"Hmm?" he hums in response. I'm not even going to try and lie, it turned me on. 

"Everyone's staring" I say in a hushed tone. He kisses the side of my neck. 

"Let them look" he says as he sucks on my neck. Once he reaches my spot and sucks I moan under my breath. I hear judgmental whispers from  every where but the Slytherin table. I catch a few things from the other tables. 

"Think they'll let me turn it into a threesome?" 

"They do realize people are watching right?" 

"She's clearly not as smart as her brother"


"Imagine how disappointed her brother must feel" 

"I heard a rumor he said he wished she never showed up in his life" 

"I heard she's already slept with half the boys in Slytherin!" 

"I heard it was half the boys in the school!" 

"I don't doubt it with the way she dressed earlier" 

"She is such a slut" 

I heard that one from our table. I pinch my eyes closed to squeeze the tears back in. My breathing quickens as I try to calm myself. 

Draco moves his lips to my ear lobe, making me forget about everyone else. He lightly bites on it. I start swaying my hips slowly against his pants, desperate for some sort of friction. 

"Nuh uh. Not till tonight" he whispers huskily into my ear. I swear my body is more goose bumps than skin at the moment. 

He stabs more brisket and lifts it up to my mouth, startling me. I open it as soon as I finish he turns me slightly and licks a drop of juice that was resting on the corner of my mouth. 

He moves the fork to his plate once mine runs out. He scopes up some peas with his spoon and lifts it up to my mouth. 

"Nope!" I say with a head shake when I pop my P. He gives me a surprised look. 

"You have to eat your vegetables. You aren't a carnivore" he says with an eye roll. 

"Who says?" I say. I bring my arms really close to myself and act his a t-rex. I let out a small roar and I bare my teeth. 

"You do realize that dinosaurs aren't the only creatures who were carnivores, right?" he asks me as he raises an eye brow.

"Oh yeah" I say with a giggle. He takes that opportunity to shove the spoon in my mouth and hole my mouth closed. I glare at him as he laughs. 

"Chew, chew, chew" he teases. I can taste the vileness of this small green bowling ball. I shake my head and gag. "Now, or I'll have to punish you right here on this table" he whispers into my ear. I swallow instantly. "Good girl" he says as he leans down to kiss me. "Yum" he says as he licks my bottom lip. 

"Yuck more like" I say and stick my tongue out. He bit it. He.... bit my tongue. "What was that?" I ask as I give him a look. 

"The intrusive thoughts won" he says with a shrug. He finally turns me around. I notice Auston left. 

"What is this?" I hear Amanda say as she walks towards the table.

"Save me!" Blaise begs as he clutches her skirt in an attempt to escape. "They were sexual, which was fine and normal with Malfoy, but then they were being cute! And see was acting as a dinosaur! I'm scared for life!" he moans as he slumps in his seat. 

"Rawr" I giggle. Amanda just sits down at the opposite side of the table. 

"Amely?" Harry asks as he walks in. He walks up to me and I try to slide off Draco's lap, but he holds me still. "What the hell are you doing? With Malfoy no less!" he asks as his face shifts to disgust. 

"I'm not sure, it just kinda happened-" I start before Harry interrupts me. 

"Oh yeah, you just happened to be giving Malfoy a lap dance! It just happened" he mocks me. "You are an embarrassment! A greedy, self centered, attention seeking, slut Amely!" he exclaims. His face is back to being a tomato. 

"I-I'm sorry Harry! I didn't know this would affect yo-" 

"Shut it! You don't get to talk to me! You worthless little-" 

"I'd stop right there Potter" Malfoy says angrily from under me. He sets me down on the bench before standing as he towers over my brother. "Or you'll get a broken nose" he hiss's at him. 

"Please Malfoy, everyone knows your just doing this to get under my skin!" Harry rolls his eyes. He pushes past him and faces me again. 

"You. Worthless. Little-" he spits before a fist connects with his jaw. He immediately falls to the floor. I see Draco ready to pounce him again. 

"No, Draco! He's not worth it!" I squeal as I grab his arm. "Worthless little mother fucking son of a bitch" I spit at Potter. Literally. I spit into his hair from above him. "Go cry to mummy" I tell him when I see tears in his eyes. 

"She's your mummy too" he shoots back. 

"She may be my biological mother but my mom is in America. Unlike yours. Who is surely rotting in hell" I tell him before I grab Draco's arm as I lead him out of the dining hall. 

This is not how I expected my day to go. 

A/N I don't like this story much, I might delete it, I'm not sure yet. But please check out my other story. White. I think it's a lot better. 

-Livvy Girl 

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