Chapter 10. Year 4. Amely.

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Amanda and I were lying on the beds in the common room when Pansy barged in. Well Amanda was lying on the beds. I fell asleep on the floor as she talked about hot boys. 

"Perish! Potter! Hi!" she exclaims waking me from my nice slumber. "Oop sorry! Were you sleeping?" she asks nicely, but my gut is telling me it was anything but. "Anyway Daphne and I were going to sit in the common room for a bit and socialize! Wanna come?" she asks as she walks over to her closet. 

"Sure" Amanda says with a shrug. I groan. "Come on Am. I'm not letting you sleep on the floor on your first day of school" she says while dragging me from the carpet and onto the cold stone floor. 

"Nooooo. You suck" I say as I quickly jump off the freezing floor. I only earn laughs from Pansy and Amanda. "Whose all gonna be there?" I ask as I slip on a hoodie and shoes. 

"Crabbe, Goyle, Theo, and Blaise" Pansy says from the mirror. 

"Fine, lets just go already" I say while walking toward the door.

"We have to wait for Daphne" Amanda says while fixing her makeup. I'm guessing Daphne is our other room mate. I mean there are four beds. 

"When did she come in?" I ask thinking back. 

"You were asleep. By the way you might want to fix what ever you put on your eyes. It's smudged" Pansy says. 

"My...eyeliner?" I ask as I walk toward the window to check. 

"Yeah what ever muggle thing" she says while hitching her skirt as high as it can go. Her ass is basically hanging out. 

"Let's go bitches" Daphne, I assume, says as she comes out of the bathroom. 

I walk behind everyone else, as I still don't know where i'm going.

We get to a giant room and a few boys sit on the couch's and chairs while one stands. On the giant couch two chubby brunet boys sit. On the smaller couch another brunet with a sharp jaw boy stands over with Blaise sitting on the couch, sprawled out. I can tell there's a blond boy in front of Sharp Jaw, but I can't see who. 

"Hey boys!" Pansy exclaims while taking a seat next to the chubby brunets on the large couch. "Thought we'd join you!" she says as sweet as corn syrup. Amanda sits next to her followed by Daphne which takes up the rest of the couch. 

Shit. The blond on the couch is Draco Malfoy. Just my luck. 

"Huh well you can probably sit next to Malfoy, Potter" Sharp Jaw says. Shit, shit, shit. 

Draco starts hacking as soon as I sit down. I quickly start pounding my fist against his back. He coughs more, but that's the prosses. 

"Better?" I ask when he's able to form a sentence. He nods sharply before pouring another glass. 

Idiot. I think with an eyeroll and a soft smile. 

"Let's drink! To Malfoy's health!" Daphne exclaims with a giggle. "Want a glass, Am?" she asks pouring another glass before handing it to me. 

"Sure!" I reply cheerfully. In full honesty i've never had alcohol. Besides sips of my parents. But that doesn't really count, does it? "TO MALFOY'S HEALTH! MAY HE NOT CHOKE TO DEATH ON LIQUID!" I exclaim with a small giggle. 

"TO MALFOY!" they all echo. I down my glass in one gulp. My face shifts and scrunches. God it burns. 

"Have you had fire whiskey before half blood?" Malfoy sneers. 

"Of course I have Malfoy" I scoff. It's a lie of course, but he doesn't have to know that. 

"Ok what's the plan for tonight? Fire whiskey obviously, but are we gonna smoke some weed?" Pansy asks as she pours another glass for herself as well as me. 

"Haven't picked any up yet Pans. But maybe Zabini or Malfoy has?" Sharp Jaw asks while looking over to Blaise and Malfoy. 

"Nope. Parent's were watching my every move after my last- er accident" Blaise says sheepishly. 

"Accident?" I ask, finally speaking to the group. 

"Oh your in for a treat. Zabini tell her the story!" Amanda says while rubbing her hands together menacingly.  

"Fine" he replies while rolling his eyes. "It was our annual summer get together with all our family friends. Which happens to include all the lovely people you see before you. And I had weed and booze stored in spare clothes by the closet. And we got bored so we got drunk and high. Draco and Pans ended up fucking in the fountain. Well more like Pans was humping Draco and him letting it happen-"

"HEY" Pansy exclaims angrily as she interrupts him. 

"Anyway. Crabbe and Goyle raided all our food. And I mean all of it. We had no idea where Perish went. And Nott and I were just sitting there. High and bored. And I see this really pretty girl- and I mean gorgeous. And she was wearing a skin tight dress with her tits basically hanging out. So Nott and I decide to go down and introduce ourselves. We both wanted in her pants. Well dress technically. So we each tried to get her attention. We both ended up showing her our dicks, trying to prove who was bigger. Then Draco came back from being humped by Pansy and insist his is the biggest. So he does the same. And our parents came and dragged us out by our ears. Ya da ya da. Crabbe and Goyle snitched. Ya da ya da. And now my parents don't trust me. Ya da ya da." he finishes with an eyeroll. "And that's it" he ends as he pours yet another glass and one for me. I swear they are trying to get me drunk. 

"I was not humping Dracy. He fucked with me!" Pansy exclaims. Psycho...

"I have a question about the story" I say. "Who won?" I ask. 

"Won what?" Sharp Jaw asks as he sits on the floor by the fire. 

"Whose dick was the biggest" I say casually. Draco's head whips in my direction. I ignore it. 

"We could show ya if you'd like" Sharp Jaw says with a wink. I blush. 

"I'm good" I say with a laugh as i put my hands up in surrender motion. 

The night goes on like this. Drinking, laughing, talking, Pansy glaring at me. What is her deal. At around two in the morning we head our separate ways. 

I'm last on the stairs to the girls dorm when someone grabs my arm. 

"By the way princess. I won" Draco whispers seductively in my ear. I shiver as he lets go and I hear his foot steps fading. I run upstairs to my room as unholy thoughts run through my head. 

God what is this boy doing to me?

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