Heat rose to her cheeks, embarrassment and anger brewing within her. Who could have asked Ivan? He was probably her best bet for formal and he was stolen from her hands. An idea chimed in her head Maybe it was someone from their friends but the only person without a date was her brother. She instantly pulled out her phone from her blue blazer jacket and unlocked it, locating her brother's messages.

Me to Mason: Did you find a date to the formal yet?

She watched as the three dots formed. He was typing and her heart felt like it was going to explode with every passing second.

Mason: Yes, I have.

She sighed. Of course it was him. It was always him.

Me to Mason: I hate your guts.

Mason: Aww, I love you too twinnyboo.

She hated when he called her that. Red formed in her vision. Mason, once again, ruining her opportunity. He always had to one up her in everything, he was even the first to enrol in this school. Most of the teachers loved him. Quickly, she walked back into the cafeteria, towards where her brother had sat.

"If you weren't my brother, I would cut you open and use your organs as Christmas tree decorations," she said, grabbing his hair, tugging his head back.

"The fuck did I do?" he protested.

"You better me in everything, even a date to formal! Why do you do that?!" She let go of his hair and sighed. She was furious at him.

"It's not my fault I'm better than you!" Mason said as calmly as he could.

The table was silent as they fought, finally Jackson broke the silence. "Mum! Dad! They're fighting!" he mocked.

She shook her head and walked off, sitting with her friends.

"I'm guessing that Ivan was already taken?" Emily asked, her head leaning to the side.

"What do you think?" Vixen barked. Her blood was still boiling with how her brother had beaten her yet again.

"Well, I guess you're going to skip formal this year," Bethany said, still twirling her hair around her finger.

"No, it's fine. I actually have some emergency contacts who can fill in," Vixen said as she pulled her phone out and scrolling through her contacts.

— —

Two weeks later

Vixen wasn't the biggest fan of the ballroom the formal was set in. It was very sketchy. She didn't like the way the staff looked at her as she walked in with her cousin and the way the place smelt like cigarettes and a hint of lavender. The white ceiling was cracked in several spots. The purple wallpaper was peeling away and faded as if it were a hundred years old. The maroon carpet at the entrance didn't do the place any favours either. In fact, it made her wince at how mismatched the entire place was.

A big handful of students were already in the huge ballroom, most of the girls wearing black or white dresses. She felt like the odd one out coming in a sparkly pink dress that flowed down her body, almost touching the floor.

"This is quite the place," she said as she scanned the room. "Hopefully you won't mind being the only senior out here, Nate."

"Nah, don't worry," he replied, standing by her side. "Anything for my little cousin."

Around the world by Daft Punk blared on the speakers around the dimly lit room. Vixen was bored out of her mind. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, so she fished it out of her dress and stared at it. It was her friend, Ella, messaging her to let her know she couldn't make it. Vixen sighed for what was probably the billionth time already, a pained groan escaped her lips. She only came to this stupid place because her friend promised she was going to be there and now she was going to be alone with only Nate to talk to.

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