03 | Dawn

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"Fucking dickhead!"

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"Fucking dickhead!"

The furious shout spews out of the mouth of Suzuki with his cobalt blue eyes glaring at the vehicle as if it were the most lethal of bullets.

"Watch where you're fucking driving, you fucking prick!" He bellows again as the car speeds off, escaping from the scene after driving too closely to the pavement we were just running on. It was enough to force us to halt, breaking our momentum but luckily, the bright yellow car swerved away at the perfect timing.

"Come on, they're gone," I urged him, continuing on our morning run in an attempt to forget that ever happened. Suzuki huffs, grumbling about but eventually falls into place at my side.

"I thought you were working on cussing in the morning?" I mentioned once a few moments had passed, a knowing grin tugging at my mouth when I glanced at him. That evening over dinner when he expressed to his girlfriend, Jodi, and I that he decided to stop his colourful language in the early mornings since it dampens his mood throughout the day, I knew it was utter Suz Bullshit.

"I could give a shit about that," he shrugs his shoulders, his eyes flicking away and I laughed, knowing him all too well.

Suzuki Apprice is the son of my mother's best friend. You see, how we both ended up here is a little long story but it all adds up. Both of my parents met on the Caribbean island of Tobago in the well-known beach resort, Magdalena Grand.

My father, who had been a worker at La Calypso Hotel in Trinidad boated over to the annexed island, Tobago, to work for a few months. It was there where he was a simple helper tending to the guests' needs and my mother, a local of the island, was just the guest who made herself a permanent resident in his life.

Years later, it wasn't too long after they had gotten married at La Calypso in Trinidad where they both started blossoming their lives together. It was Poppy Apprice's first time on the island ever since they met years before on her vacation trip to Tobago and ever since then, they had remained long-distance best friends through emails, letters and landline calls.

Their lives had gone on and yet they spoke to each other every day. It was then when Mom was in the middle of ranting about the struggling economy of Trinidad and Tobago that she suggested the idea of migrating to where she was located in a small town near London, Serene Hills.

Agreeing, they hauled my sister and me and whatever belongings may have fit in duffel bags and went their ways. At first, it had started with just being there for a few weeks to see what life is like and it transpired into staying there for months to earn money and eventually, years.

After the disappearance of my mother, I had to find a job or two to assist with the medical bills for my father and also sustain a living for myself. When I needed a place to stay, I found out that Suzuki was renting out his attic apartment and I was in luck, especially since it was only minutes away from the job someone had granted me.

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