CHAPTER 03-Appearance

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The following days, Harlow was put in a wheelchair and Olivia would take her in the hospital garden to get her mind off some things.

"I'm sorry about your mom," Olivia said while she sat on the bench beside me.
"It's okay," I smiled at her.

I looked ahead of me. My mother only came once to see me. Harlan and I both knew mom's mental health became unstable after our father's passing, but she always held out strong and loved us unconditionally. I know deep within her she blames me for Harlan's death. It's only about time before she has a mental breakdown.

I looked at the butterflies in the garden, they were so pretty.

A black butterfly flew over and rested on my hand. I gasped.
"Olivia, have you found out who sent the flowers and the letter?" I asked.
"The nurses said the moment you were rushed over for treatment, a man dressed in all black suit came holding all the flowers in his hands and he told them to put them by your side after treatment. He was about 6'9. He left immediately after dropping the flowers off," Olivia said.

I looked at the butterflies again.

'Someone cares'
I thought to myself.

Olivia took me back in my hospital room as we prepared to go for the funeral.
The doctor in charge of me informed me to go for check ups every friday..
We went home and I found a black box on the bed. I proceeded in opening it and found a moon crystal ball.

'Use it today'
Little one.

I connected it. Laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. It was beautiful and calming. I went to sleep almost immediately.

*Following Morning*

Olivia helped me shower and dressed me up.we then went downstairs and waited for my mother. She never said anything to me or looked at me. Olivia put my wheelchair in the back of the truck and we went to the funeral.

After the burial, everyone left after putting their flowers. I looked at Olivia and she understood.

" I'll be in the car, " Olivia said as she walked off.

I looked at the picture of Harlan smiling. Hot tears tears started flowing as I remembered his body on the cold floor with blood flowing. It started to rain. After a while did I realize I wasn't getting wet. I looked up and saw a man in shades and a black suit holding an umbrella for me. He handed it to me.
"Master said don't catch a cold," he said and walked away.

I got very curious about the man doing all this for me and what he wanted from me.
"Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was gonna rain!" Olivia screamed as rushed to where I was.
"Where did you get that?" She asked looking at the umbrella.
"Someone gave it to me," I said as she pushed me towards the car. Mom was in the car sitting silently. She still never looked at me.

*Two months later*

I went back to school and continued my studies. Mom became silent but she would talk to me once in a while. Talked to her about getting a therapist for her but she quickly dismissed me everytime.

School became so boring and our restaurant was not fun anymore. Things were slowly getting to normal and no one talked about Harlan anymore. It sure is true,

,Once you're gone, everyone gradually forgets you ever existed in this world,

On one night, I decided to clean my mother's room as she stayed behind at the restaurant. I opened her wardrobe and found a box. I knew it was wrong but I decided to open it anyway. I sat on her bed and took everything out. Their were pictures of my dad, Harlan, herself and I all drawn over with ink on our faces. I saw a small book and i decided to keep it and read it later. I put it in my pocket. I got a little creeped out and decided on calling my doctor and help talk to her to go for therapy.

I went to bed thinking about it. I dreamt there was a fire and I quickly woke up. There was smoke everywhere and i rushed to find mom. The living room was on fire so was her room and the kitchen. I peeped and saw no one in. I rushed downstairs, smoke burning my eyes and blurring my vision. She was standing in the middle of the living room and was holding a container and a lighter.
I tried to rush towards her as she fell to the ground and her clothes caught fire. I squat beside her and tried to wake her while patting her clothes for the fire to go out.

I felt my body start to lose consciousness. I grabbed mom by the shoulders and tried to drag her outside before I collapse. I lost balance and fell. I felt someone catch me and carried me

"Little one, stay with me!"
"Hey! Carry her mom out!"

I heard a man yell and I drifted away as I completely lost conscious.


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